Goodnight, Christian

Meredith rode the elevator down to the lobby floor with Christian Monday night. As usual they were the last two to leave. Only once had she seen Dave stay late to work on something but he had left long before she had gotten ready to leave.

So There she was with Christian as she had been on several other nights. But she was thinking about the mysterious vacation agreement that was set up for her with human resources. She was tempted to ask Christian about it.

But if it was something that Brayden had setup and Christian looked into and found out about Brayden… Well, let's just say Meredith wanted to keep her work life and her private life or rather her connections to the Maxwells separate. 

So she was going to avoid any possibility of it being revealed. She wasn't positive if Christian knew or not but she hoped he didn't. If he did he gave no indication that he knew. Meredith didn't remember getting off the elevator.