Down to Beatrice Miller and Molly Cruise.Only one of them is Crudentia.

One vote ;the rest left me in the dust.At least that was what I heard from around.It was the dominate reason why I faced the other unknown side of Mr.Mé. Besides me sat Maya.I am yet to find out what brought out the bad blood out of her.All in all everyone treated me so absurdly that I almost believed I was in another parallel universe. If so, which clone of me went to the other side?

Her business in the office was a mystery that lasted a few seconds after my entrance.She turned out to be a foe.She came only to team up with Crudentia.Right then I stared at my sinking career even before it had a chance to properly begin. I knew my place from the beginning.As everyone in Wisconsin knew .Playing with the wealthy was a dangerous game.Yet I dared.

In my defense, Maya's parents might not have an idea on what she was doing. With this sentence I spoke too soon.Her parents were well invited to the new case. They say across from me.Both looked very disappointed.I thought that I could be more confused.Maybe the question might be why Maya changed her clothes to a more tidy look.

She was shy when I met her but now she became bold. I knew her in a different way.Her parents knew her in a different way from mine. As she spoke ,I could not believe it.I felt betrayal.Before entering this room I was nervous.But now I was petrified.

It took minutes before Rouse's parents arrived. I felt hypocritical.I can only imagine what they taught of me.To think that they invited me to their house.It was ironic.

Today wasn't my day.I found myself inside a court consistent of both parents and the principle.Surprisingly Crudentia was not present.The last I saw of her was back in the morning after that she ghosted everyone.No one knew where she was or where she had been.Her first being that her voice was heard nowhere.Her body never roamed the halls in alleged claims of claiming order.Honestly we all agreed it was for the best . Nevertheless it still worried most of us.

Surely her mission was accomplished. Why wasn't she here to claim her victory or preferably my downfall?

I had no words to describe what I felt.Needless to say to try and justify myself again.As usual Mrs.Rouse's face sold no emotion . Although when she eventually opened up ,you wouldn't know whether she played clueless or whether she was aware of her doings exactly .All the same could be said of Mr.Rouse .His persona indirectly perceived a quiet crafty dealer.

The rest of the gang joined the court just to make sure I was gone.Conversely,they were here under their daughter's manipulation. She needed something ;she had a plan in her finger tips.The plot involved her parents.Unfortunately, I found myself in the middle of everything.

"...Day would you like to clarify your reason behind the picture going viral among student and with no time to their bearers?"

He was much stricter.His tone comparable to an instructor's voice.Nonetheless he was still doing his assigned work.The difference was the seriousness he put into the work.Espessially this time when the last drop of my second chance ran out. He was furious.But nothing can be compared to my guilt.

Firstly,the lonely walk down an ghostly hall

Second:An encounter with an evil twin.

Third: My clumsiness.In addition to the discovery of Renée at my house.

As a result a recipe for disaster.

It was only in my head where I could express myself in search a manner.In reality, I chocked on my words.And eventually got nauseated from panic.Either way no statement would help me at the moment.

I looked into his twitching eyes.The position of both his brows screamed 'sacked'.All the while Maya with her family would not stop conversing.They pointed fingers to my face.As if to have already given out a verdict.

It was all a mistake that happened to fall on a cursed day.Which sadly followed me around.She won.(Crudentia won).A shame that everything ended up on a sour note.

Suddenly Mr.Mé looses his temper and control.His laptop desk paid the price for his anger.Out of the tantrum silence was earned.From the silence ,the Rouse's got an opportunity to speak.They were thoughts from their perspective but thoughts nonetheless.

Actually Maya held the whole revolt in kicking me out.She added more information to the Rouse-Day scandal.One's that had consipiresis on the means she used to get hold of the information.The allegations were sweet from the sugar of lies.Almost half of it were true but the other half were dazed in lies.In overall she needed something more sinister on me so that to get me laid off.

Her parents ,on the other hand blamed the Rouse's for their son's actions.The Rouse's seemed undecided on their say in the matter.Espessially Mrs.Rouse.

At first she believed that it was a misunderstanding.Although that was before they figured out of my confession.Then she didn't care.In the last round she joined forces with Maya and agreed with her.

Everything was rather unusual.However we all agreed to wait for the one who started every.The particular someone was nowhere to be seen .Her actions reminded me of old times.Back to when Park's and I were in the beginning phase of friendship.

Before him I had a friend who was bold when free but timid when caught in turbacles. That was a long time ago .Hence the reason why the name was blurred in my memory.Although we still stuck with the particular girl through middle school.

Suspeciously through highschool I never got in touch with her. Now that I think of it.I compare the young face with the two remaining suspects(Miller and Cruise) The young girl from my memories looked so much like Cruise but Crudentia had similarities to Miller.

I stare at the principle .His mood had changed. "My apologies...."