Efforts were made.

Morning.A new day is dawning but with a frowned face.The grey clouds covered the sky.I just waited for the rain to fall.

The music alligned perfectly with my thoughts .As I leaned at the back seat door of Park's car.Nobody said that accepting defeat was easy. Although ,He was right,she was right and I was just another fool who believed in herself a tan too much. Can you blame me?I had all plans set. Yet again I can't blame anyone else but myself.Besides this was a first experience. I came here tasting the waters.Similar to a fisherman's hopes in catching fish when he first pulls the boat to the water.

What can I say?My luck.

The empty halls welcomed me .In the same way they bid me adue.Surely ,a painful experience to carry my belongings in a box and leaving. Mr.Mertin intentions were genuine but once I got to his dark side he gave me a dark shoulder.

"Goodbye Day"His last words toned a different person compared to the first time we met.

When his door slammed to my face.The only person I had by my side was Park.

"Day..." He took a pause to breath in air.

Meanwhile I lay comfortably on his chest as his arms hugged my face.And his head laid on top of mine.We both saw Maya walking across two rooms. This was the old Maya who dressed in hoods rather than formal clothes.

"Let's go Sabi, Let's leave"Park pulled my arm slightly.


"But what.You tried your best . It's time to leave"


"But what Sabi.All these are in your past.Let's go"

"Listen..."Not another word from my mouth when the bell rang.

On second thoughts I would rather sink in quick sand to being caught breathing the Wisconsin air.By a second his wish was granted.So we stood outside the building for a while.I glared to a window on the second floor of the building.That was where I saw Renée and beside him Maya.They showed no remorse.And their cold stare froze me in time.

They were lucky to be among the people who knew exactly what took place inside the office.The rest-much less to their surprise- were to be informed this morning. Far from that,I prayed for Crudentia's happiness .This so assuming that the reason of her unhappiness was me. I can only imagine her grin during the assembly.The forced profession she will put on when someone notices her beam. Or if her behavior was said normal to the staffs and students Then in such a case ,she would have no shame.

Cole wasn't a bluff when he pointed out her competitive side.

You would think that I would throw in my gloves and declare him winner.Although victory belonged to her... Actually you won't be far from right when you assume my failure.

Normally,A person might forgive and walk . Eventually he would forget. It's a cycle that follows in every dispatch. However my complicated nature drove me into declaring a man hunt.Let it be known that I never had bad blood.I only had and will only pledge guilty to my concern towards Beatrice Miller.

On second thoughts , I may possibly be wrong. On the other hand I stand strongly with my accusation. Miller is Crudentia.

I say this holding a note in my hand. Clearly it made a fool out of me. And I agree with the note.

I really thought.

' Hello again friend.How is the sun shining on your end.Just so you cared ,I am doing wonderful. I must say that I have luck. Although the same can't be said to you. Far from the introduction ,We were foes turned allies .Sadly the friendship never lasted.You forgot me.Can you even remember our pact?'

' Find me' was written in bold on other side of the note.

Anonymous played reality like a game.If Miller masked as Crudentia. My problems would at least be reduced if not magically melted away.

My mind ran wild. However in my defense.Running wild was better than loosing my mind.And I lost my reasonable thinking once I tracked her down .Mistakenly deaming myself a stalker.

Even now as I write.I write in ruefulness.