The Sentence - 1

But Ruby was getting restless as she wanted to be done with the person called Lily Malum -- there were so many things that needed her attention and the woman was busy wasting their time -- at least that was what Ruby thought. And Ruby didn't like the fact that Lily Malum was almost holding them at ransom and she was the prisoner.

However, Ruby also thought of some things that Lily Malum had said earlier on and Ruby being honest, was curious. Thoughts swirled in Ruby's mind regarding what Lily Malum meant by some of the things that she uttered. It was quite obvious that the woman just wanted to confuse them -- especially between Ruby and Seth. And Ruby was very much aware of that fact.

Ruby thought of what to do, not that she didn't know already but she felt that she and Seth needed to talk urgently. She needed to know what to do first and foremost.