Strange Happenings

Trent handed the binoculars to Pascal who was right beside him.

"Look at this," Trent said.

Pascal furrowed his brows as he collected the object from Trent. Quickly, he raised it to his face to look in the opposite direction.

His mouth became agape once he saw the strange sight. Pascal continued to watch until his eyes widened. It was as if he was back in his dreams again. Pascal dropped his hand to his sides, taken aback by what he had seen.

"Pascal! What do you think?" Trent asked quickly. It was almost time for him to set his plans in motion, so he wanted to know Pascal's stand.

But Pascal didn't respond. His mind has drifted far away, making him look stunned and almost mesmerized.

"Pascal?!" Trent called again.

Sabian leaned forward so he could see Pascal and wondered why the general had to call him several times.

Pascal jerked and glanced at the general, coming out of his reverie.