Sneak Out

After leaving Yun Lintian's stall, Yang Mengli didn't hurry to return to her residence. She strolled aimlessly with a sad expression hung on her face. Xiao Lingling wanted to comfort her, but she didn't know what to say. She could only accompany her young mistress silently.

In the distance not too far away, a man in grey clothes stared at Yang Mengli for a long time before he took out a transmission jade from his pocket and said in a low voice, "Master, that doctor can't cure her. Do we need to monitor him further?"

"No need. Come back." A faint, aged voice echoed in the man's mind. Instantaneously, his figure blended into the crowd and disappeared from the street.

It took an hour before Yang Mengli returned to her courtyard. She told Xiao Lingling to leave the room and proceeded to meticulously set up sound and spiritual sense isolation barriers. After confirming that there was no one around, Yang Mengli took out a paper from her sleeve and began to read it. It was the paper that Yun Lintian had secretly put into her sleeves earlier.

"I can help both of you. However, you have been watched by someone and I don't want to get into your trouble. If you want me to help you, come to me at night. I will wait at the Autumn Wind Inn, in room number seven. Remember, be careful when you go out and always come with your brother. Don't bring your servant with you."

Yang Mengli burned the paper directly after she finished reading. Her face was filled with awe and excitement. She never thought that Yun Lintian would be this cautious, as she hadn't even noticed that someone had been watching her all this time. Thinking of this, her eyes turned cold as her hands clenched into fists. She was not a fool and well aware there was someone within the clan specifically aimed at her. It just that they hid too well, rendering her to be helpless.

In fact, Yun Lintian had purely guessed about it. When he saw Yang Mengli coming from afar, he managed to identify her condition right away. Yang Mengli was clearly poisoned by a rare poison, Ice Threading Poison. Without a doubt, she was a victim of a conspiracy. He didn't need to use his brain to know she was being watched by someone.

Yang Mengli closed her eyes and tried to think of a way to sneak out without leaving any evidence. Her profound strength was only at the eighth level of the Essence Profound Realm. There was no way she could hide her presence from the numerous experts within the Yang manor.

All of a sudden, her eyes lit up when she found a solution. She immediately called Xiao Lingling to come in.

"Lingling, I need your help." Yang Mengli said. Xiao Lingling was the person she trusted the most. Asking for her help shouldn't be a problem.

"What is it, Miss? Please, do tell." Xiao Lingling was curious. The current Yang Mengli seemed to be different from before.

"I want to go out and do something tonight. I need you to cover for me by replacing me. I don't want anyone to know my whereabouts. Can you do it?" Yang Mengli said with a serious expression.

Xiao Lingling was confused, but she still nodded, "No problem, Miss. What should I do?"

Yang Mengli smiled and explained her plan.


In a courtyard one hundred meters away from Yang Mengli's residence, a young man with disheveled hair sat on a chair, indulging himself with a jar of wine. He had a prominent handsome face, long sharp eyebrows, and a straight nose bridge. His eyes were sunken, losing their usual luster. A gloomy aura kept emanating out of his body as if he had long given up on himself. He was the once-generation genius, Yang Chen.

"Gulp!" Yang Chen drank wine directly from the jar as if he were drinking plain water. After being defeated by Luo Kun, he never stepped out of his courtyard again. Drinking was the only way for him to alleviate himself from all the pain and depression. If it weren't for his sister, Yang Mengli, he might have committed suicide a long time ago.

"You should stop drinking already." At that moment, Yang Mengli walked into the room and said. Looking at her younger brother became like this, her heart ached as if it was torn into shreds.

Yang Chen put the jar of wine down and glanced at Yang Mengli with his drowsy eyes. He asked, "What brings you here, sister?"

Yang Mengli didn't reply immediately. She carefully set up barriers to prevent sound leakage and sat across from Yang Chen.

"I found a way to repair your Profound Vein. You have to follow me out tonight." Yang Mengli said calmly.

Yang Chen was stunned. His mind jolted awake for a second before he gave a slight chuckle: "You don't have to lie to me, Sister. There is no one in the world who can repair a destroyed Profound Vein." With that, he took another gulp of wine, appeared as he didn't believe in her words.

Yang Mengli shook her head and said, "I didn't lie to you. I really found a miraculous doctor."

Yang Chen's hand stopped moving as he stared at Yang Mengli, attempting to discern something from her expression. Upon seeing her dead serious expression, he put the jar down and asked uncertainly, "Is it true?"

Yang Mengli gave a nod in response, causing Yang Chen's hands to tremble. He shook his head vigorously, trying to get rid of drunkenness, and took a deep breath before he spoke: "What shall we do?"

A smile bloomed on Yang Mengli's face and she handed a servant uniform to him, "Change your clothes into this."


"Where are you going?" At the entrance of Yang's manor, a tall guard asked a young girl and a young boy standing in front of him. Both of them wearing veils on their faces.

The girl was no other than Xiao Lingling, and the boy was a servant under Yang Mengli. If you looked closely, the young boy had a figure similar to Yang Chen.

"Young Miss told me to buy something. Is there any problem?" Xiao Lingling replied in a dissatisfied tone.

The guard frowned and asked, "What about him?"

Xiao Lingling was angry: "What's wrong with you? I need him to help me carry things. Do you want me to call Young Miss to provide you with an explanation?"

The guard shuddered and shook his head hurriedly. "No... No. You can go ahead."

Xiao Lingling snorted coldly and was about to walk away. Suddenly, she slapped her forehead and exclaimed, "Ah... I forgot my pouch."

Following that, she turned around and led the boy back to the manor with her. The guard looked at them for a while, shook his head, and muttered, "This girl is still as fierce as ever."

Ten minutes later, Xiao Lingling and the boy came back and passed through the gate while the guard didn't bother to look at them for fearing to provoke her anger once again. However, because of this, he had failed to perceive a peculiar change in both of them. 'Xiao Lingling' seemed to be slightly taller than before.


Yun Lintian finished his sumptuous dinner at the Autumn Wind inn's dining hall and went back to his room afterward. Today, he had spent an enormous amount of profound energy dealing with patients. He was quite exhausted and wanted to take a rest for a while.

"You've worked hard." Yun Meilan appeared in the room and looked at Yun Lintian with a smile underneath the black veil. She had witnessed everything he had done today and admired his kindness.

Yun Lintian was already accustomed to her erratic behavior, appearing and disappearing out of nowhere. He responded while pouring two cups of tea for both of them, "It's nothing." He handed a cup of tea to Yun Meilan and asked, "Anyway, Aunt Meilan, I don't quite understand. Why is the level of doctors here being too low? Today, I found that many patients have a simple ailment, yet those doctors can't do anything. This is the capital of the nation, doctors here shouldn't be this incapable, right? This is too strange."

Yun Meilan sipped the tea while listening to Yun Lintian's question. A smile appeared on her lips as she responded, "It's not that their level is too low, but rather that your level is too high."

Upon hearing this, Yun Lintian frowned slightly. Yeah, maybe it's true. So, it's not that those doctors' skills are too low, but rather that I myself have a misconception. I always thought that my medical knowledge was good, but I hadn't reached an unprecedented level. I had never compared myself to other sisters in the sect before. No wonder those girls looking at me as if I am a monster whenever I performed treatment. He thought to himself.

Seeing Yun Lintian with a thoughtful expression on his face, Yun Meilan continued, "You rarely leave the sect. It is normal for you to think like this. In the sect, your mother and others rarely tell you about the outside world because they want you to live carefree and without any concerns. Take the Sacred Flame Sect's incident for example, if you haven't discovered it by yourself, they will never tell you about it."

"I always object to this matter because it will harm you in the future, but your mother insists on doing this. Therefore, everyone has to compile to her wish. You probably won't believe what your mother told me before we came here."

Yun Lintian raised his eyebrows and asked, "What did she tell you, Aunt Meilan?"

Yun Meilan chuckled softly and said, "She instructed me to limit the information I provide to you as much as possible. However, after I saw your operations during these two days. I found out that I should let you do it... When you first bribed the city gate's guard to distract him and extract some information from him. I was quite surprised at how smooth you were. The reason why you asked him where the best inn is and who the owner is, is because whoever controls the inn is likely to have a wealth of information in their possession. Hence, I think your first plan is to approach the Hua clan."

Yun Meilan scrutinized Yun Lintian intently, while the latter remained composed, his expression unchanged. She further stated, "Instead of heading straight to the Sleepless Inn, you may believe that it could be difficult to achieve anything in a short period of time. Hence, you chose a relatively small and popular inn instead to learn a general situation first. Coincidentally, you heard something about the young master of the Yang clan, and it so happened that they possessed Heavenly Yin Iron. Consequently, you changed your original plan and chose to set up a treatment stall in the end… I must say, your luck is too good. Everything seems to effortlessly fall into place according to your plan."

Yun Lintian took a sip of tea and lightly shrugged at Yun Meilan, confirming her conjecture. Just as Yun Lintian was about to say something, Yun Meilan suddenly frowned and said, "Your targets have arrived." She stood up and disappeared from the spot.