
"It's me, Senior." A woman's voice echoed from outside. Yun Lintian immediately recognized Yang Mengli's voice. He went to open the door, welcoming two guests into the room.

Upon seeing Yun Lintian, Yang Chen's eyes narrowed as doubt filled his heart. Yun Lintian was too young to be described as a prodigious doctor. If it weren't for Yang Mengli, he would never believe it.

Yun Lintian led both of them to the living room, motioning for them to sit down, and personally poured them tea.

"This must be Young Master Yang Chen." Yun Lintian asked as he looked at Yang Chen, who was covered in a gray cloak.

Yang Chen didn't say anything in response. He gave a slight nod, unwilling to say a word.

Seeing this, Yang Mengli removed her veil and smiled apologetically at Yun Lintian. "This is my younger brother, Yang Chen. He became like this since that incident. I hope Senior doesn't mind about it."

Yun Lintian shook his head and said, "It's fine. I understand." He took a sip of tea and continued, "Are you sure no one has been trailing you?"

Yang Mengli nodded firmly and said, "When I came out, I had prepared a countermeasure beforehand. Besides my trusted servants, no one knows about it."

Yun Lintian had a pensive expression, and he adjusted his tone slightly, "Alright, we should commence as soon as possible." He then took out a jade bottle and handed it to Yang Mengli, saying, "I'll start with you first. Take this pill and lie on the bed."

Yang Mengli glanced at the jade bottle and didn't hesitate to open it. She took out a crimson-colored pellet and consumed it directly. If she hadn't witnessed Yun Lintian's kindness today, she would never have taken a risk by using an unknown pill. Even Yun Lintian had an ulterior motive. She was confident in defeating him.

Yang Chen's body tensed up when he saw his sister take the pill. He wanted to stop her, but it was too late. He could only stare warily at Yun Lintian, feeling helpless and unable to do anything even if he wanted to.

Such a decisive girl... Yun Lintian thought and nodded his head in approval. He ignored Yang Chen's glare and approached the bedside, retrieving a set of silver needles from his sleeves.

When Yun Lintian grabbed several silver needles, his expression immediately turned solemn. A red light gleamed on the silver needles as Yun Lintian swiftly inserted them into Yang Mengli's Profound Entrances, one by one. Each time, his movements were so quick that the Yang siblings could only see a fleeting shadow pass by.

On the side, Yang Chen was astonished by Yun Lintian's swift actions. When he was young, he was also interested in medical profound art. Even though his talent in this aspect might not be high, he could still recognize Yun Lintian's skill level. Seeing that Yun Lintian didn't harbor any malice, the level of vigilance in Yang Chen's heart had significantly diminished.

"Ah!" A soft moan escaped from Yang Mengli's lips, like petals unfolding. At that moment, she could feel an intense heat surging through her body, as if she had been confined in a scorching cauldron.

The soft moan made Yang Chen feel embarrassed, but it didn't affect Yun Lintian at all. Droplets of sweat emerged on his forehead as his eyes remained focused on each silver needle. He continuously poured profound energy onto them.

The moment Yun Lintian saw Yang Mengli, he immediately realized that she had been poisoned by the Ice Threading poison. This poison had a unique characteristic - it was traceless and odorless. When the target was inflicted with this poison, their Profound Vein becomes clogged, resulting in a stagnation of their progress. Every night, the target would feel a piercing cold in their lower body, which would dissipate by morning.

"Go fetch water for me." Yun Lintian said in a deep voice.

Yang Chen frowned slightly, but he still complied in the end.

Yun Lintian snapped his fingers, and a small fire condensed on the tip of his finger. He quickly tapped on several spots on Yang Mengli's thighs. The latter let out a loud moan from time to time whenever Yun Lintian's finger tapped on it. Deep down, she was embarrassed to death, but she couldn't stop it. The only thing she could do was to continue hypnotizing herself, as it was part of her treatment.

Although Yun Lintian felt a slight itchiness when he heard the heavenly voice, his mind remained focused on what he was doing. When Yang Chen returned with a bucket of water, Yun Lintian instructed, "Put it here."

Yang Chen went to the bedside and placed the bucket down. When Yang Chen noticed that his sister's clothes were soaked in sweat, accentuating her beautiful figure, he felt the impulse to push Yun Lintian aside. However, he had to suppress it. After all, Yun Lintian was sincerely trying to help her.

Yun Lintian flicked his hand, causing all the silver needles to fly out of Yang Mengli's body. He quickly urged, "Hurry up and put your feet in the bucket."

Yang Mengli, who was drenched in sweat, reacted quickly. The moment her feet plunged into the water bucket, a cold mist slowly began to rise from within the bucket. The water in the bucket gradually became cold and eventually froze.

Yun Lintian threw a small fireball into the bucket and instructed Yang Mengli to remove her feet. Only then did he wipe the sweat from his forehead and let out a sigh of relief.

"It's done." Yun Lintian uttered with a weary expression.

Yang Mengli hurriedly examined herself. Upon she tried to concentrate on her profound strength, the pain that haunted her for many years was nowhere to be seen. Instantly, she grabbed Yun Lintian's hand and exclaimed excitedly, "Thank you! Thank You, Senior!"

"Erm... I think you should dry your clothes first." Yun Lintian took a glance at her well-defined curves and said awkwardly.

Yang Mengli came back to her senses when she heard this. She looked down at her clothes, and her face immediately turned red with shame. She quickly moved away from Yun Lintian and used her profound energy to dry her clothes.

Yun Lintian tuned to look at the astonished Yang Chen and said, "Let me rest for a while. I'll take care of you later." He closed his eyes, trying to replenish his profound energy.

"S… Senior can you really help me?" Yang Chen spoke in a trembling voice. His respect for Yun Lintian had increased tremendously after witnessing Yun Lintian's brilliant skills.

Yun Lintian ignored him and focused on replenishing his depleted profound energy.

Yang Mengli patted Yang Chen's shoulder and shook her head, indicating that he should not disturb Yun Lintian. Both of them turned around and walked back to the living room.

"Sister, are you really okay now?" Yang Chen asked in a low voice.

Yang Mengli nodded with a brilliant smile and said, "Yes. I don't feel pain anymore. It's much less congested and faster than before."

Yang Chen nodded in reply and fell into deep thought.

"I know you still have some doubts. However, as you can see, even my incurable disease has been taken care of by Senior. You have to believe in him. It's not as if you have a choice anyway." Seeing the expression on her younger brother's face, Yang Mengli spoke.

Yang Chen said nothing. His hands under the table secretly clenched into fists… Luo Kun! I'll definitely pay you back! He made a vow in his heart.

Yang Mengli clearly perceived her younger brother's moods. She looked at him without saying anything.

"What about our father?" Yang Chen suddenly asked.

Yang Mengli frowned slightly: "I think Senior should have a solution. However, he doesn't want to be involved in this matter and we cannot bring our father out to see him. I don't know what to do either."

The two fell into silence. They couldn't find a solution to this matter.

An hour later, Yun Lintian opened his eyes and exhaled deeply. Earlier, he had a faint feeling that he was about to have a breakthrough, but it disappeared in the end. He shook his head, dispelling his disappointment, and made his way to the living room.

"Senior." Both Yang siblings quickly stood up and greeted Yun Lintian when they saw him.

Yun Lintian nodded and motioned them to sit down, "Let me check your Profound Vein." He then grabbed Yang Chen's wrist.

Yun Lintian's brows briefly furrowed before his expression relaxed. Yang Chen's condition was better than he had thought. He spoke, "You are quite tough, huh? As expected from a genius of this generation."

Yang Chen and Yang Mengli were confused. Yun Lintian explained, "Your Profound Vein isn't completely destroyed. I guess you have used some methods to preserve your life when your opponent attempts to disable you. This will also safeguard your Profound Vein in the process."

Yang Chen nodded admittedly, "Senior, what do you mean by this?"

Yun Lintian retracted his hand and said, "It means your condition isn't that difficult for me. I can repair your damaged Profound Vein. However, I want to ask you a question."

Yang Chen immediately became excited and said, "Senior, please ask."

"Why would you choose to accept Luo Kun's challenge? In my opinion, you can simply ignore him. With the strength of the Yang clan, he won't be able to break the marriage contract between you and Hua Wanru anyway." Yun Lintian asked curiously.

Yang Chen's body trembled slightly as he lowered his head in shame. Yang Mengli took the opportunity to answer on behalf of her younger brother, "I assume that Senior does not reside here in the capital city?" Seeing Yun Lintian give a light nod in reply, Yang Mengli continued, "So that's the case. Actually, among the six major clans, our Yang clan might appear to be second in terms of strength, after the royal clan. However, in truth, we are actually inferior to Luo clan. Mainly because they have support from the royal clan. Hence, even if Yang Chen declined the challenge from Luo Kun, the royal clan would interfere in the end."

"I see." Yun Lintian suddenly enlightened… The Qi royal clan probably feels that Yang clan could threaten their reign in the future and want to keep them in check by colluding with Luo Clan. Whether it fails or success, it won't affect their reputation. Tsk, with power in their hands, it's so easy to control everything. Yun Lintian thought to himself.

Yang Mengli said further, "Even though Hua clan is our allies, in the end, they can't resist Luo clan and the pressure from the royal clan. It's normal for them to have no objection…" She stopped talking when she saw Yun Lintian raised his hand to interrupt her.

"It's fine. You don't have to say anything else. I don't care about these messy political struggles between all of you." Yun Lintian chuckled: "I'll get straight to the point. The reason why I came here and specifically chose to interact with the Yang clan is that I want something from your clan."

Yang Mengli was slightly surprised, but quickly regained her composure as she replied, "Please do tell, Senior."

"I want Heavenly Yin Iron." Yun Lintian spoke calmly.