Breaking Profound Vein

"Heavenly Yin Iron?" Yang Mengli and Yang Chen were surprised.

Yun Lintian nodded his head and said, "Yes." I need approximately five kilograms. When I heard that the Yang clan has offered a reward for treating their patriarch. I decided to come here to take a look."

Yang Mengli suddenly stood up and asked, "Senior, do you have a way to cure my father!?"

Yun Lintian's eyebrows raised slightly. "I have to see your father by myself first. However, as you can see, I don't want to get involved in your disputes. You can simply inform me about his condition, and I will attempt to provide you with a solution."

Yang Mengli was about to say something, but Yun Lintian interrupted her, saying, "We will talk about this later. Let's treat your brother first." He turned to Yang Chen and said, "I have two choices for you. First, I will repair your damaged Profound Vein, allowing you to regain the ability to practice. Second, in addition to repairing your damaged Profound Vein, I can employ a method to enhance its functionality. Your Profound Vein will become stronger, and the rate of absorption will also increase. However, this method is extremely dangerous and causes a great deal of pain. You might die in the process. Moreover, I haven't done this to anyone before. So, the choice is yours."

Both Yang siblings' expressions changed dramatically. Yang Mengli looked at Yang Chen with concern. With her younger brother's temper, he definitely chose the second method without hesitation. She didn't want him to take any risks.

Yang Chen clenched his fists and answered firmly, "I choose the second method."

Yun Lintian wasn't surprised by this. As someone with a protagonist-like name and driven by a revenge plot, it was normal for Yang Chen to choose this path. He took out a small leather bag and handed it to Yang Mengli, saying, "Very well. I need you to prepare hot water and add all of these medicinal ingredients to it."

Yang Mengli hesitated for a moment, as she wanted to persuade Yang Chen to reconsider his decision. However, when she saw an unwavering determination in his eyes, she could only swallow everything back and went to prepare the water.

Yun Lintian looked at Yang Chen for a moment and asked, "Are you ready?"

Yang Chen stared back at Yun Lintian and firmly uttered, "Let's do it. Seniors don't have to worry. If I died, my sister wouldn't do anything to you."

Yun Lintian shrugged his shoulders without a care upon hearing this. He never believed in things like oaths or promises. If Yang Chen died at his hands, he was quite sure Yang Mengli wouldn't let this matter rest.

"Come." When Yun Lintian saw Yang Mengli return, he gestured for Yang Chen to accompany him to the bathroom.

In the bathroom, there was a wooden tub filled with translucent water that was mixed with various medicinal herbs. The mixture emitted a fragrant medicinal aroma that spread throughout the room.

"Get in." Yun Lintian told Yang Chen.

Yang Chen slowly got into the wooden tub. The moment his body sank into the medicinal water, he could feel an incredibly soothing sensation permeate every pore of his body.

Yun Lintian approached the side of the wooden tub. After taking a deep breath, he spoke, "I'm going to start now." Without waiting for Yang Chen to reply, a bright green light lit up on the tip of Yun Lintian's finger as he struck Yang Chen's left shoulder.


"Argh!" Yang Chen let out a painful cry involuntarily. Blood spurted out of his mouth, staining the water red. His face was constantly contorted in agony.

Yun Lintian raised his finger once again and struck Yang Chen's arm, causing the latter to scream in pain once more. According to the medical profound art, [The Remnant Record of Life], which he had studied for many years, there were three methods to repair a damaged Profound Vein. First, use a Divine Elixir. Yun Lintian didn't know what the Divine Elixir was because the highest level of elixir he had seen before was only a heaven-ranked one. Even if he did know, he wouldn't be able to find it anyway.

The second method involved connecting each Profound Entrance on the Profound Vein one by one. In this method, the doctor needed to be a Wood Element user and extremely proficient in medical profound art. The challenge in this method was how to handle the intricate Profound Vein when connecting them together. However, for Yun Lintian, this method was the easiest one.

Lastly, Yun Lintian's current method that he had performed right now. Yun Lintian called it the Breaking Vein Method. This method basically destroyed everything and rebuilt it with the help of medicinal elixirs. It was perilous, as the target might not be able to hold on due to the immense pain and could die before the process was completed.

While the treatment was continuing, Yang Mengli couldn't bear to see her younger brother in pain. She bit her lips hard and turned her head away.

At this moment, Yun Lintian was already completely covered in sweat. He constantly popped Energy Replenish pills into his mouth from time to time throughout the process. It took Yun Lintian 30 minutes to completely snap every Profound Entrance on Yang Chen's body. The next step was to connect all of them together.

"Not bad. You're quite tough." Yun Lintian wiped the sweat from his forehead and complimented Yang Chen.

Yang Chen was now as pale as white paper. His upper body was covered in blood, and his eyes were bloodshot. The past 30 minutes were the most painful moments he had ever experienced since he was born. Even when Luo Kun destroyed his Profound Vein, it was far inferior to this. There were several moments when he thought he would step into the gateway of death. The reason he was able to hold on was because he desired revenge! He was unwilling to die like this. Even he had to die. At least he needed to let go of his hatred first!

Yun Lintian let out a long breath as he attempted to replenish his profound energy. Meanwhile, Yang Mengli, who was standing on the side, felt relieved after seeing that Yang Chen was fine. No one could understand how nervous she had been earlier.

After Yun Lintian regained his profound energy, he quickly used several silver needles on Yang Chen. Both of his hands were covered in a bright green profound light as he began to meticulously connect Yang Chen's shattered Profound Vein, piece by piece. His movements were incredibly fast and precise. Every time Yun Lintian touched him, Yang Chen could feel a noticeable change in his Profound Vein. This made him ecstatic, causing him to completely forget about the pain.


An hour later, Yun Lintian suddenly slumped onto the ground after he finished connecting all of Yang Chen's Profound Veins. His face was as pale as white sheets, drenched in sweat. He had expended every ounce of his profound energy in order to execute this technique.

"Senior!" Yang Mengli hurriedly came to Yun Lintian's side and tried to pull him up. Yun Lintian currently had no strength left in his body. If Yang Mengli wanted to kill him, he wouldn't be able to put up any defense at all.

At the corner of the room, Yun Meilan stared at Yun Lintian with a worried expression beneath her black veil. She was prepared to take action at any moment if something were to occur. Fortunately, she was the one who accompanied Yun Lintian on this trip. If it had been Yun Qianxue, both Yang siblings would have been dead by now.

"It's fine." Yun Lintian sat on the ground, leaning against the wall, and spoke softly.

Yang Mengli was agitated; at the same time, she was deeply moved by Yun Lintian's actions. He had made great efforts to help her and Yang Chen. This burden was too heavy. What Yun Lintian had done for them was akin to giving them a fresh start in life. She understood that there was no way she could repay him given her current circumstances.

"Senior, both of us siblings will forever cherish this act of kindness in our hearts. In the future, if Senior needs us to do anything, please don't hesitate to tell us. As for the Heavenly Yin Iron, I will bring it to you tomorrow." Yang Mengli said solemnly.


At this moment, Yang Chen jumped out of the wooden tub and examined himself excitedly. He discovered that he could once again feel the profound energy around him, and his strength had slowly recovered, bit by bit. His body was full of vigor and vitality, like he had never experienced before.

"Stop! Don't absorb profound energy." Yun Lintian shouted.

Yang Chen was startled for a moment before he nodded.

"You need to wait a week before you can start practicing again. Additionally, it would be advisable to conceal your condition. You should understand what I mean." Yun Lintian said and gave them a meaningful gaze.

Yang Mengli and Yang Chen looked at each other and nodded in agreement. If this matter were to spread out, all of them would face endless trouble in no time. At the same time, if they were unable to uncover the hidden threats within their clan, history would inevitably repeat itself, and this time Yang Mengli might face more than just poisoning. As for Yang Chen, Luo Kun would never stop at destroying Yang Chen's Profound Vein.

"Senior, you have given me a second chance at life. I, Yang Chen, will remember this act of kindness for the rest of my life." Yang Chen walked up to Yun Lintian and knelt down in front of him.

Yun Lintian smiled slightly and said, "This is merely a transaction. You don't have to take this matter to heart. Anyway, I wish you good luck in your redemption." His strength had returned a bit. He stood up slowly and made his way to the living room.

"Let's discuss your father's condition." Yun Lintian poured himself a cup of tea and said.

Yang Mengli had a serious expression as she spoke, "Five months ago, we didn't know exactly what was going on. Suddenly, our father never woke up again. The doctor said his body is fine, but something has happened to his soul. No matter how many doctors have come, they can't do anything about it."

Yun Lintian's brows creased together while he contemplated this matter. The information was too vague and unhelpful. Even though his medical knowledge was vast as the ocean, he couldn't arrive at the right judgment.

Yang Chen hesitated briefly and said, "I don't know if this is related to my father's condition. Back in the day, I saw a small black flower-shaped mark on his chest. I don't think our father had it before he became like this."

Yun Lintian's eyebrows raised. "Black flower pattern? Is it like this?" He then took out a piece of paper and a brush, and began drawing something on it.

On the paper, there was a flower pattern with five leaves that resembled a lotus shape. When Yang Chen saw it, he immediately exclaimed, "Yes! This!"

Yang Mengli's eyes lit up with a glimmer of hope. Yun Lintian apparently recognized this unusual flower pattern. She was confident that he definitely had a solution to deal with it. Her faith and trust in Yun Lintian had already reached an unprecedented high to the point where she blindly believed there was no ailment in the world that he couldn't deal with.

Yun Lintian exhaled a cold breath and exclaimed, "Five Leaves Soul Extinguished poison!" He looked at the siblings and explained, "This is an incredibly rare poison. It's an extremely cruel one. When the target is poisoned by this substance, their soul becomes trapped within the Soul Gate, resulting in a loss of control over their body. The five leaves represent the remaining attempts of the target. Each leaf equals one year. This means your father has five years left. Usually, this kind of poison is used to torture the target. Even though the target couldn't control his body, he could still perceive everything around him."

The Yang siblings looked at each other and saw the horror reflected in their eyes. They immediately understood what Yun Lintian meant by the phrase "extremely cruel." Whoever had been poisoned by the Five Leaves Soul Extinguished Poison had to witness everything that happened around them, but they were unable to take any action. There was nothing more tormenting than watching your family and comrades die in front of you while you were helpless to save them.