The Final Haze

"I'm so hungry." Yun Jiajia grumbled while rubbing her flat abdomen helplessly.

"We have to find Junior Brother Yun as soon as possible. I'm afraid he might encounter danger." Said a woman with short hair in a Misty Cloud Sect's uniform. Her name was Yun Ting.

All the six women from the Misty Cloud Sect had ventured around this ghostly place for a day now, and they couldn't find any clue about this place. They didn't even encounter any creature or any plant. The spared food they had certainly not enough for them to last until the end of the one month time.

"Why don't we contact him again?" Another woman with an abundant chest said. She was the youngest among them. Her name was Yun Li.

Yun Chan, the leader of the group, took out the transmission jade and contacted Yun Lintian. However, after waiting for a full minute, she didn't get any response from him. Her heart immediately filled with worry. She turned to the group and said, "Let's increase our speed."

Everyone looked at each other and quickly understood something. Yun Lintian may be in danger at the moment. Before coming here, they were strictly instructed by Yun Qianxue to keep him safe, no matter what. Now, if they couldn't accomplish their duties, it was hard to tell what were they going to face after returning to the Sect.

The group hurriedly moved along the seemingly never-ending tunnel. All of a sudden, Yun Chan, who was at the forefront, raised her hand up, signaling everyone to halt their movement as she discovered a group of eight men in the distance.

"Everyone look. We hit the jackpot!" Said a handsome youth with a silver spear in his hand.

"Hahaha! Our luck is too good." When everyone saw Yun Chan and the rest, their eyes lit up and they rudely scanned the women's bodies with a wretched grin on their faces.

Yun Chan quickly determined their strength and identities. Five of them were the member of Luo clan and other three came from the Chen clan. Their strength should be between the seventh level to the tenth level of Essence Profound Realm.

"Prepare for the battle." Yun Chan whispered while gripping the short sword firmly.

The other five sisters behind her were also taken out their weapons, glancing at each other with a tacit understanding. All of them were carefully selected by Yun Ruanyu. Of course, they were the best among the best in their generation. Facing the enemy with a higher number, they didn't even flinch in the slightest. On the contrary, a glimmer of fighting spirit could be seen in their eyes, as they were filled with excitement.

The handsome young man with the silver spear frowned slightly. Although he appeared arrogant, he indeed had the intelligence and strength to back it up. When he saw Yun Chan's group, he quickly told his comrades to not underestimate them and prepared for the battle with all they had.

"Why don't we... Damn it!" The handsome youth didn't even finish his sentence. Yun Chan's figure suddenly appeared in front of him, as if by magic, with a powerful force descending on his head. This caused him to quickly block with his spear.


Yun Chan's short sword collided with the handsome youth's spear, sending him back to his group. Without giving them a breather, Yun Chan lowered her head slightly and several arrows passed above her, rushing to the enemy's group.

"Kill them!" The handsome youth blocked the incoming arrows with difficulty while shouting at his comrades.

The other seven men swashed the arrows to the side and made a counterattack, aiming at Yun Chan. Because the tunnel was too narrow, measuring around eight meters wide, using a spear was extremely difficult. Not to mention, there were so many people around. They could accidentally hurt each other if they weren't careful enough.

The spear gleamed with a red light as it shot towards Yun Chan. The latter didn't try to evade but chose to confront head-on. Fearlessly, she swung her short sword that shone with icy energy towards the spear.


The spear's user lost his balance due to the powerful impact and his body swayed to the side, colliding with another man beside him caused the two of them to hit the wall.

At this moment, Yun Li and Yun Ting had arrived at Yun Chan's side and both of them swiftly thrust their swords toward the two men, who were slumped near the wall with immense force.

Puff! Puff!

Yun Li and Yun Ting's swords pierced the hearts of the two men, ending their lives. They then withdrew their swords and stepped back. Everything happened too fast, and the other six men didn't even have time to react. Two of his comrades had already turned into lifeless bodies, lying on the ground in a pool of blood.

Except for the youth with the silver spear, the other five men were scared witless by Yun Chan and the other two's swift actions. This was the first time they witnessed the famous Misty Cloud Steps and encountered little resistance.

"Idiot! Standing in a daze for what!?" The silver spear youth yelled.

His profound energy was released to the maximum. All the muscles in his body expanded and his bones crackled. He immediately charged toward Yun Chan with shocking speed. In half a second, he had already arrived in front of Yun Chan. Then, suddenly, the silver spear in his hand bent slightly before thrusting at Yun Chan with great force.

Yun Chan was clearly prepared for this. She conjured a protective barrier beforehand and also swung her sword to parry the incoming attack. However, the silver spear had somehow penetrated the barrier effortlessly before striking Yun Chan's left shoulder.

Blood spurted out of Yun Chan's shoulder, causing the bones around that area to fracture. The moment she saw the spear bypassed her barrier, she instinctively tilted her body to the side in time. Otherwise, the spear would definitely pierce her head.

"Sister Chan!" Yun Ting shouted in fright, but she didn't lose her mind as she sent the silver spear youth away before helping Yun Chan up.

"I'm fine. Go!" Yun Chan held her left shoulder and spoke coldly.

Instantly, the other three women behind her charged toward the enemy in a flash, and the battle became intense.

With the silver spear youth leading the way, the group of men slowly overwhelmed Yun Chan's group. In the next moment, Yun Jiajia was stabbed in the abdomen as she was thrown backward and landed weakly on the ground.

"Haha! We got this!" A man retracted his spear and laughed wildly after successfully wounding Yun Jiajia.

His laughter was like a powerful drug coursing through the veins of the other men. Their confidence soared sky-high, completely overwhelming Yun Chan's group with a powerful momentum.

"Why don't you give up, Fairy Yun?" The silver spear youth said with a triumphant smile.

The reason he was able to penetrate Yun Chan's barrier was because of the silver spear in his hand. It was a Spirit-rank weapon called the Silver Flash Spear. This spear had a unique ability that allowed it to bypass an energy barrier below the level of the Spirit Profound Realm. However, there was no protective barrier within the Essence Profound Realm's level that could withstand it.

Yun Chan's left arm hung down powerlessly as she lost the ability to move it. She glanced at her sisters, who were engaged in a fierce battle, their lives hanging in the line, before her eyes hardened with determination. With a solemn expression, she stomped on the ground and let out a subdued cry. A bead of sweat formed between her eyebrows, emitting a radiant blue glow.

"No! Sister Chan!" Witnessing this scene, Yun Li cried out loudly while desperately blocking her opponent's attacks.

"Take care of Junior Brother Yun." Yun Chan said softly. Her eyes slowly turned blue, accompanied by a hazy mist emanating from her body.

She had activated the Misty Cloud Sect's forbidden art, [The Final Haze]. After activating this forbidden technique, the user's strength would rapidly ascend to the next level. In Yun Chan's case, it allowed her to possess strength at the tenth level of the Spirit Profound Realm. However, her Profound Vein would be completely destroyed after the effect had worn off.

A sense of unease crept into the heart of the young silver spear wielder as he watched Yun Chan's aura continue to intensify. He felt that something bad was going to happen soon. His expression turned grim as he stomped his feet, activating his profound movement technique once again, and charged toward Yun Chan.

Blood on Yun Chan's left arm froze. Her unusual blue eyes were fixed on the silver spear youth, who was approaching. She twisted her wrist slightly, and the short sword in her hand shook with a frightening aura. Her figure flashed toward and reappeared before the silver spear youth like a ghost.

"No…" Before the silver spear youth could say anything, his head instantly flew into the air while his silver spear pierced through Yun Chan's abdomen.

A strong aura burst out of Yun Li's body and she sent her opponent flew away. She hurriedly rushed to Yun Chan's side and called her. "Sister Chan!"

Yun Chan coughed up a significant amount of blood, and the intense blue glow in her eyes had not yet faded. She ignored Yun Li and focused her gaze on the remaining enemies. With another flash, her figure appeared before the nearby man and finished him off with a single slash. This scene kept replaying time after time until there was no enemy left but eight corpses scattered on the ground.


Yun Chan's body powerlessly fell on the ground after finishing off all the opponents. The blue light in her eyes gradually faded as they appeared unfocused. There was not even an ounce of profound energy left in her body. She had completely become an ordinary mortal.

"Sister Chan!" Yun Li and the rest arrived at Yun Chan's side, trying to pull her body up.

Yun Li quickly administered a healing pill to Yun Chan and channeled her energy to aid in its digestion.

"Hang on! Sister Chan!" Yun Jiajia said, choking back tears. At this moment, she had completely forgotten the fatal wound on her abdomen.

Yun Chan's lips moved slightly, trying to speak a word, but she couldn't. Her unfocused eyes gazed at Yun Li as she tried her best to convey something.

"You'll be fine, Sister Chan. Save it and tell Junior Brother Yun by yourself." Yun Li cut her off. She didn't want to hear a word from Yun Chan for fearing it might be the last word.

"That's right, Sister Chan. He definitely has a way to help you." Yun Ting chimed.

Pak! Pak! Pak!

"What an emotional scene!" All of a sudden, clapping sounds rang out from the other end of the tunnel, and a man's silhouette slowly approached Yun Chan's group.

Yun Ting turned to look at the newcomer, and her body instantly went cold. She exclaimed, "Luo Kun!"