
The expressions of Yun Ting and the others turned unsightly upon seeing Luo Kun walking slowly toward them. If they didn't sustain any injury, they were confident in fighting with Luo Kun. However, with their current condition, they had no way to fight him. This was the worst situation they would wish for.

"Eh? Where is your young master? Where did he go?" Said Luo Kun with his hands behind his back, appearing aloof.

"Bring Sister Chan away. I'll block him." Yun Ting's eyes turned resolute. She had made up her mind to sacrifice herself in order to let her sisters escape.

Yun Jiajia wanted to say something, but Yun Li interrupted her by dragging her and Yun Chan, retreating as fast as possible.

"Who let you go?" Luo Kun spoke playfully as his figure flashed and reappeared before Yun Ting. A long golden spear thrust forward at lightning speed, aimed directly at Yun Ting's abdomen, leaving her no time to react.


The golden spear easily pierced through Yun Ting's body and blood immediately gushed out like a fountain.

"Sister Ting!" Yun Jiajia cried out loud. Two streams of tears kept flowing down her cheeks.

"Tsk. Is this a top talent from the Misty Cloud Sect? Trash!" Luo Kun pulled the spear out while looking at Yun Ting's pale face, feeling disappointed.

Yun Ting gritted her teeth and quickly activated "The Final Haze." Seeing a droplet symbol appear between her brows, Luo Kun, who had observed the entire battle earlier, immediately knew what she wanted to do. His left hand clenched into a fist and struck her lower abdomen with full force.

"Ah!" Yun Ting screamed in pain as her body was propelled through the air like a cannonball before she landed on the ground, completely motionless. The droplet symbol on her forehead gradually dissipated, returning to normal as if nothing happened before.

"No!" Yun Jiajia struggled hard, trying to break free from Yun Li. She wanted to rush to Yun Ting, but she wasn't strong enough.

Yun Li and the other sisters' eyes turned red. They knew they couldn't go back to help Yun Ting. Otherwise, the escape opportunity that Yun Ting had created for them would be in vain. They could only endure the pain in their hearts and continued to retreat.

"Phew... Thankfully, I stopped her in time. Otherwise, it would be troublesome." Luo Kun pretended to be nervous by wiping non-existent sweat from his forehead. His gaze landed on the wailing Yun Jiajia and the rest in the distance.

"Hey. Don't you care about her? Why don't you come back and take her away?" Luo Kun teased and walked toward them unhurriedly.

When he arrived next to Yun Ting, Luo Kun squatted down and stroked her cheeks with an evil grin. "What flawless skin! It would be a waste if you died like this... I heard that the woman from the Misty Cloud Sect never interacted with a man before. Would you like to try it?"

His hand trailed from Yun Ting's cheeks down to her bosom, gently squeezing. "Wow. So bouncy?"

Tears flew out of Yun Ting's eyes. She wished she could die instead of being humiliated by Luo Kun. However, she simply couldn't move her body and her Profound Vein was shattered by Luo Kun. There was no way she could have killed herself.

Luo Kun used his finger to gently wipe away Yun Ting's tears and lightly licked it. He said, "Don't be sad. Look at the bright side. At least you won't die as a virgin. Isn't it good?" He licked his lips while gazing at Yun Ting's body with a lustful desire in his eyes.

Just as he was about to tear Yun Ting's clothes, he suddenly sensed danger and instinctively moved back, swinging his spear to block the oncoming attack.


Luo Kun staggered backward several steps before he finally regained his balance. He raised his head to look at the newcomer and said coldly, "It's you, Yang Chen."

Standing before Yun Ting, Yang Chen, who had arrived at the scene earlier and launched his attack on Luo Kun, gripping his sword tightly while his cold eyes fixated on Luo Kun.

"Taking advantage of others while they are weak. As expected from an evil creature like you, Luo Kun." Yang Chen said coldly.

After arriving in this mythtical realm, Yang Chen made every effort to locate Luo Kun, but he had no clue about his whereabouts. Two days ago, he received news from the Li clan's members stating that Hua Wanru and Luo Kun had gone to the desert region. He then hastily followed to the desert and somehow end up in this place.

When he thought he probably couldn't get revenge during this exploration, he suddenly heard a battle's sound nearby and came to take a look. Surprisingly, he saw Yun Li's group, as well as Luo Kun.

"Heh… Don't try to act righteously here. A loser like you has no right to speak to me in such a manner. Do you think after gaining your Profound Vein back, you can fight me? I'll let you see that trash will always be trash." Luo Kun said with a confident smile. He drew his spear to the front and executed his profound movement technique. His body shot at Yang Chen like a lightning shadow.

Yang Chen quickly tossed Yun Ting toward Yun Li in the distance and released a terrifying aura before he was also charged at Luo Kun fearlessly.

Luo Kun's spear shadows ruthlessly thrust forward while Yang Chen's sword shadows were also shot at Luo Kun.


The collision between the two caused the surrounding hard stones to crack. Both of them instantly flew away fifty meters from each other.

Luo Kun stabilized himself on the ground. His eyes narrowed slightly. "Not bad. Not only you regained your strength back, but you're also even stronger than before."

Yang Chen shook his wrist slightly to get rid of the numbness. From the attack earlier, he realized that Luo Kun definitely hid his strength back then. Even without the interference from that expert, it was hard to determine the ultimate winner.

He glanced at Yun Li and shouted, "Leave here. Go find Brother Yun."

Yun Li hesitated slightly before she cupped her fists. "Thank you, Young Master Yang." She then pulled everyone away.

At this moment, Luo Kun suddenly appeared before Yang Chen with a powerful force on his spear. "You still have time to care for others?"

Yang Chen flexibly parried the spear with his sword and sent out a punch at Luo Kun's face in return.

Luo Kun bent backward to avoid Yang Chen's punch while his right leg kicking at Yang Chen's abdomen, causing the latter to retreat several steps.

Without giving Yang Chen a breather, Luo Kun twisted his spear slightly, releasing a mighty force as he thrust it forward at Yang Chen. His spear shone in golden light, and there was a faint image of a dragon coiling around it.

Yang Chen's expression turned solemn. He let out a low cry as a powerful aura burst from his body. The moment he swung his sword down, countless shadows of sword intent appeared in the air, dancing as if they were alive.


The dragon's image and the sword intent's shadows collided with each other, causing clouds of dust to fill the air. However, both Yang Chen and Luo Kun didn't flinch at this. They continued to unleash their offensive techniques on each other with full force.

The battle became intense. Countless shadows of sword intent and the golden dragon scattered throughout the area, occasionally colliding with each other. This was the pinnacle of the Essence Profound Realm's battle.

"Die! Golden Dragon Return To The Sky!" Luo Kun's muscles bulged up. His face revealed a terrifying ferocity, and his thunderous roar reverberated through the tunnel.

Luo Kun's thrust with the spear was unbelievably swift. It was swifter than any movement he had done before. An illusory image of a golden dragon appeared around the spear, emitting a terrifying roar as it charged towards Yang Chen.

A hint of ruthlessness flashed across Yang Chen's eyes. He raised his sword in front of his face and let out a loud yell. "Burning Flame of Annihilation!"

Instantly, a terrifying flame ignited on Yang Chen's sword. His figure charged towards Luo Kun as he completely ignored the golden dragon. In his eyes, there was only Luo Kun's figure.

It was the first time in his life that Luo Kun's heart gave birth to fear. He understood what Yang Chen wanted to do.


Yang Chen's left arm was struck by the golden dragon's image, causing his blood and flesh to spurt out. However, his movement speed didn't slow down in the slightest. He arrived above Luo Kun and quickly swung his flame sword down on Luo Kun's head.

Luo Kun felt a scorching heat descended on his head. He skillfully lifted his spear with both hands to clash head-on with Yang Chen's flaming sword. However, Yang Chen's momentum was too strong. Luo Kun couldn't entirely block Yang Chen's sword, and both of his arms instantly burned.

"Argh!" Luo Kun cried out in pain. His eyes turned bloodshot, staring at Yang Chen with extreme hatred as if he wanted to eat him alive.

Suddenly, Luo Kun stepped back and took a pouch from his interspatial ring out. He didn't hesitate to throw it at Yang Chen. At the same time, he plunged his spear into the pouch, and a bizarre purple mist immediately filled the air.

The moment he saw Luo Kun took the pouch out, Yang Chen immediately determined it as a poison. He unleashed his profound movement technique and swiftly retreated from the area. He swirled his sword at a high speed to create a gust of wind, which blew the purple mist back. However, the mist didn't seem to move as he had thought. It still slowly floated toward him.

"Next time I see you. It will be your death date." Luo Kun's voice rang out from behind the mist, and his figure quickly disappeared from the scene.

"Damn it!" Yang Chen was furious. Letting Luo Kun escape this time, he didn't know how long it would be until he met him again. He glared at the purple mist hatefully for a while before he turned around and moved away, tracing Yun Li's group.