

At the entrance of the Blazing Sun Mythical Realm, a streak of flame blasted against Yun Huanxin's protective barrier, causing her to take several steps back. She looked at Huo Shan coldly, her left hand silently manipulating the spatial element, preparing to launch a counterattack.

At this moment, Yang Gouming stepped forward to intervene and said with a smile, "I understand that there is a deep-seated conflict between the two of you, but don't you think it's inappropriate to engage in a fight in this location?"

Huo Shan responded coldly, flames flickering around his arms. "This is none of your concern, Patriarch Yang."

Yang Gouming remained unperturbed when confronted with Huo Shan's fierce flames. He said, "You're wrong, Elder Huo. Young Master Yun is my benefactor. He is the one who cured my peculiar illness and restored my son's profound vein. Therefore, my benefactor's business is also my business." His eyes sharpened as he continued, "If you still insist on going, I wouldn't mind accompanying you."

After Yang Gouming finished his sentence, ten people from the Yang clan took a step forward, ready to battle at any time.

Huo Shan was silent for a moment and then turned to Luo Kang, who was sitting at the same table as Qi Yuanfeng in the distance. When he saw that the latter didn't seem surprised by Yang Gouming's statement, a trace of fury immediately appeared on his face.

This despicable Luo Kang has already been aware of it, but he kept it hidden from me. He tries to use me as cannon fodder. Huo Shan thought. He retracted his stance with a cold snort and departed from the scene.

Luo Kang was naturally aware of this, but he didn't care. With the Poison Valley behind him, he didn't have to fear anyone. The Qi Royal Clan was not an exception.

"Looks like Patriarch Luo already knows about this. I'm quite surprised that it is this young man who restored Yang Chen's profound vein." The Crown Prince, Qi Yuanfeng, asked. There was a hint of dissatisfaction in his voice.

Luo Kang naturally knew that Qi Yuanfeng was dissatisfied with him for not informing him about this. He replied with a false smile, "Please forgive me, Your Highness. When my son first told me, I was skeptical about it. Who would believe that a sixteen-year-old boy could accomplish something that is typically only found in legends? I'm sure Your Highness wouldn't believe it either. Now, Patriarch Yang has confirmed it. I think it is likely to be true."

Qi Yuanfeng's heart grew cold. He could perceive that Luo Kang had no respect for him whatsoever. Otherwise, he wouldn't have come up with this quibble. Combining with the news he recently received, it seemed that the Luo clan's ambition was extremely high.

He smiled faintly and said, "Since he has this ability. How about we capture him?"

Luo Kang's eyebrows raised slightly. He didn't expect Qi Yuanfeng to be so direct. He replied, "Are you sure, Your Highness? The rumor said that he is the son of the Snow Cloud Fairy."

Qi Yuanfeng waved his hand dismissively. "A rumor is just a rumor, after all. Who doesn't know that Snow Cloud Fairy hates men the most? How could she possibly have a son?" He took a sip of tea and said with a mysterious smile, "Besides, even if she wants to do something, I don't think she can do anything during this time."

As the patriarch of the Luo clan, Luo Kang was well aware of the agreement between the Sacred Flame Sect and the Qi Royal Clan. He didn't join the fray because someone from the Poison Valley had informed him about the Misty Cloud Sect. Therefore, he changed the target to Yun Lintian instead. Even Qi Yuanfeng didn't bring up this matter.

Luo Kang nodded, "I'll do my best."

Qi Yuanfeng smiled and enjoyed the spirit tea without saying anything else.


"Are you okay, Hall Master Yun?" Yang Gouming asked with concern after noticing Yun Huanxin's unusual expression.

Yun Huanxin shook his head and said, "Thank you."

Earlier, she received news from Yun Ruanyu about the situation at Misty Cloud Peak, causing her heart to grow heavy.

Yang Gouming could sense something from her expression, but he chose not to mention it. Even though he knew what had happened, he was powerless to help the Misty Cloud Sect deal with their predicament.

He said, after taking a deep breath, "I stand by my promise. I will help all of you safely escape from this place. You can rest assured about that."

Yun Huanxin gave a nod in reply and closed her eyes, replenishing her profound energy.


Just as Yang Gouming was about to leave, suddenly, the stone gate at the center shook violently and emitted a bright white glow. Its ring-shaped object rotated at a high speed before several streaks of white lights shot out from it one by one.

The commotion immediately alarmed all nearby forces, who quickly arrived at the scene.

The white lights descended to the ground, and in the next moment, a human figure emerged from behind them.

"Why are they out now? There is still one week left before the deadline." One of the elders of the Yang clan said.

Yun Huanxin's eyes fixated attentively on several white lights as she searched for Yun Lintian. When she saw him approaching nearby, she heaved a sigh of relief and went to his side.

"Third Aunt!" Yun Lintian greeted Yun Huanxin with a warm smile. During his time in the mythical realm, he was constantly worried about her. After seeing that she was fine, the heavy stone in his heart was instantly lifted.

"Are you okay? Did you sustain any injuries?" Yun Huanxin scanned his body with great concern.

"I'm fine, Third Aunt." Yun Lintian replied while secretly placing a paper in Yun Huanxin's hand.

Yun Huanxin was slightly surprised and quickly used her Spiritual Sense to check on the content, and a wonderful expression appeared on her face afterward.

"I'm glad that you're fine. How about others?" Yun Huanxin pretended to ask as if she didn't know the situation.

Yun Lintian replied with a serious expression, "Sister Chan and Sister Ting have activated The Final Haze, and they are currently in the process of recovering." When he finished his sentence, the other nine senior sisters had already arrived by his side, each holding an escape talisman.

"Where is my son!?" Luo Kang yelled loudly when he couldn't see his son among the group. In fact, he didn't even see any of the Luo clan's disciples.

"Young Master Ji?" Ji Yi looked around for Ji Cheng agitatedly as he didn't see him.

Meanwhile, Huo Shan and Qi Hao were also alike. They didn't see Huo Ao and Qi Tian'er among the group.

Instantly, everyone's attention shifted to the group consisting of Yun Lintian, Yang Chen, and Hua Litong.

"Tell me, what's going on!?" An immense pressure emanated from Luo Kang's body as he questioned Yun Lintian.

"Hmph!" Yun Huanxin snorted coldly and effortlessly shrugged off Luo Kang's pressure. She said, "What are you trying to do? Put the blame on my young master?"

Qi Yuanfeng stepped forward and pointed at one of the disciples from the Qi Royal Clan. "You. Tell me, what is the situation?"

The youth hurriedly replied, "Report to Your Highness Crown Prince. I don't know about it. We didn't meet the Second Princess during the exploration."

Qi Yuanfeng frowned and asked the others. But none of them had a clue about this matter. He then turned to Yang Chen. "Young Master Yang, do you have any knowledge about this?"

Under everyone's gaze, Yang Chen nodded his head slightly, causing Yun Lintian to curse in his heart and hoped he would play according to the agreement.

Yang Chen said, "I followed Luo Kun for several days, but I lost track of him after we entered the desert area. I have no idea what happened afterward."

Yun Lintian heaved a sigh of relief in his heart when he heard this.

"Lie! Did you kill him?" Luo Kang was furious and exerted pressure on Yang Chen.

Yang Gouming waved his hand to alleviate Luo Kang's pressure on Yang Chen and looked at the latter coldly. "Aren't you being unreasonable? Although there is animosity between our sons, I don't believe my son is capable of killing Luo Kun. Don't we all know he was defeated by your son before?" His words were dripping with sarcasm, as he was well aware that Yang Chen's defeat was the result of someone's covert interference.

Luo Kang's eyes narrowed with a murderous intent. "If it wasn't him, then who else!?"

Yang Gouming shrugged his shoulders. "Maybe he was killed by a profound beast? Who knows?"

Luo Kang's killing intent had intensified further, and a golden spear appeared in his hand silently.

"Wait a minute, Patriarch Luo. Why don't we ask everyone first?" Qi Yuanfeng took a step forward. When he saw that Luo Kang had calmed down, he turned to Hua Wanru and asked, "Young Miss Hua, why don't you tell us what the situation was in there?"

Hua Wanru was slightly nervous, but she calmed down quickly and replied, "I've been with Young Master Luo before we entered the desert area. However, when we stepped into that place, I found myself transported to a maze-like place. Since then, I never saw him again."

"A maze?" Qi Yuanfeng frowned slightly. "Strange, I haven't heard about this before. You didn't lie to us?" His eyes sharpened, attempting to capture every subtle change in Hua Wanru's expression.