Life and Death

"I can confirm that." Yang Mengli stepped forward and said.

Her words captured everyone's attention, and she continued, "I have also been there. After taking a step into the desert area, I fell into quicksand and found myself in a maze-like tunnel."

Qi Yuanfeng and the others immediately frowned. They rummaged through their memories, and they were sure there wasn't any record related to this. How did these juniors encounter something that their ancestors haven't seen before?

Ignoring the angry Luo Kang, Qi Yuanfeng was interested in this discovery. He asked, "What is that place look like?"

Yang Mengli answered, "There is nothing in that place except for a tunnel after tunnel. Not a single creature can be found. I had been wandering in that place for several days until the white light appeared and brought me back here."

Qi Yuanfeng turned to others and saw everyone seemed to have the same experience. He decided to put this matter aside and said, "I see." He then turned to Yun Lintian. "What about you, Young Master Yun? Did you also enter that place too?"

Yun Lintian smiled faintly. "Of course. I've been there too. What does Your Highness want to ask? Please feel free to speak directly."

Qi Yuanfeng wore a friendly smile and waved his hand. "It's nothing. I'm just curious, why is Young Master Yun's clothing so clean compared to everyone else who entered that place?"

As Qi Yuanfeng's words fell, everyone turned their gaze towards Yun Lintian's body and confirmed that it was indeed the case. Yun Lintian's current appearance was too clean to the point there wasn't even a speck of dust on him. Even he said he changed his cloth before coming out. It was too coincidental unless he knew beforehand that the mythical realm was going to send him out.

In fact, Yun Lintian wanted this effect. He deliberately changed into a clean cloth in order to make everyone focus on him so that no one would pay attention to Yang Chen and Hua Litong's group further.

Yun Lintian was unperturbed when facing their Spiritual Sense. He replied with faint laughter, "So it's about this. I thought Your Highness would ask if I am the one who killed Young Master Luo. Otherwise, I would've no choice but to admit it honestly."

Yun Lintian's words immediately startled everyone… What do you mean? Do you mean that if he asked you that question, you would confess to being the murderer?

Yang Gouming's brows furrowed. He didn't understand Yun Lintian's intentions. Even if he was the one who killed Luo Kun, shouldn't he hesitate to admit it so readily like this?

"No matter what happened next. Don't interfere if you don't want to involve everyone in your clan." Suddenly, Yang Gouming heard Yun Huanxin's voice ringing in his mind, causing his pupils to shrink slightly. He looked at her blankly for a moment before nodding his head to express his understanding.

At the same time, Yun Lintian's words caused Qi Yuanfeng to furrow his brow deeply. From what he knew, Yun Lintian wasn't a stupid person, but he didn't understand why he admitted it so easily. Was there any plan behind this? Thinking about this, Qi Yuanfeng sent a sound transmission to an elder nearby him, and the latter discreetly slipped away from the group.

"So, it's you! I'll kill you!" Luo Kang unleashed his full power in an instant. He brandished the golden spear in his hand, thrusting it towards Yun Lintian with tremendous force.

Yun Huanxin manipulated the Space element to block Luo Kang's attack and sent out several sword beams back at him.

Yun Lintian stood calmly under the protection of Yun Huanxin. A smile on his face didn't disappear in the slightest as he said, "It's not just him. Ji Cheng, Huo Ao, Qi Tian'er, and those from the Chen clan also died at my hands."

Everyone from the respective clans immediately gasped in shock before they released their aura, along with killing intents toward Yun Lintian.

"Everyone, capture him!" Qi Yuanfeng was the one who placed the order. He wanted to see what tricks Yun Lintian had hidden from him.

Yun Lintian glanced briefly at Qi Yuanfeng and said in a low voice, "Now."

Instantly, Yun Li and the others shattered their escape talismans, and a bright white light swiftly enveloped them before their forms vanished in the following second.

This scene immediately caused Luo Kang and the others to have unsightly expressions. Especially Luo Kang and Huo Shan. They had spent tremendous effort to lay a spatial disruption formation around this place in order to stop them from using an escape talisman. However, they didn't expect that the talismans in Yun Li's hands would still work.

Yang Gouming had an astonished look on his face and inwardly let out a sigh of relief. He glanced at his son and noticed that he too was amazed by the scene, which puzzled Yang Gouming. It seemed that Yang Chen didn't know about this beforehand either, but Yun Lintian definitely gave him some instructions. Otherwise, Yang Chen wouldn't be so calm after Yun Lintian came under attack.

Yun Lintian hadn't left yet. He looked at Luo Kang with an evil grin. "Don't be angry, Patriarch Luo. I have a gift for you as a way to express my apologies."

Following that, he threw Luo Kun's lifeless head at Luo Kang, and the latter quickly caught it. When Luo Kang saw his son's lifeless body and the expression of terror on Luo Kun's face, anger surged through him, causing his body to tremble. A profound sense of vengeance filled his being, and an overwhelming desire to seek retribution took hold.

"Ahhh! I'll kill you!" Luo Kang's voice, filled with hatred, reverberated throughout the forest as an image of a golden dragon materialized around his spear.

"What a noisy!" Yun Lintian blocked his ears, appearing annoyed by Luo Kang. He then looked at Qi Yuanfeng and waved his hand at him. "See you later, Your Highness." With that, he shattered the escape talisman and vanished from the spot.

Several small spatial rifts appeared beside Yun Huanxin, shooting sword's lights at Luo Kang, and the rest before her figure was also disappeared along with the spatial rifts.

"Damn it!" Huo Shan yelled angrily when he discovered that the target had already escaped. He quickly took out a transmission jade and contacted Huo Han. A moment later, he realized something was wrong when there was no response from Huo Han, no matter how many times he tried.

It wasn't just him alone. Ji Yi was also the same. He found the situation was too strange after failing to Ji Muchen. Ji Yi and Huo Shan involuntarily glanced at each other and noticed the perplexity reflected in their expressions. Without further ado, they hastily departed from the location.

Yang Gouming and Patriarch Hua glanced at each other and decided to leave this place together, leaving behind the angry Luo Kang and the people of the Chen Clan.

Qi Yuanfeng turned to Qi Hao and said, "Let's go. Maybe we can catch him."


Two hundred kilometers away from the entrance to the mythical realm, Yun Lintian's figure appeared near a small cave.

"Junior Brother Yun!" Yun Li heaved a sigh of relief upon seeing him. She was so anxious earlier.

Yun Lintian nodded his head. "Let's go in, Sister Li. We need to hurry."

The two walked into the cave to meet up with Yun Chan and the rest, who were already waiting for them. On the left side of the cave, there was a small transmission formation laid on the ground.

Yun Lintian inserted a middle-grade Profound stone into a socket, and the formation immediately lit up. Just as he was about to instruct everyone to enter, he suddenly received a signal from a warning formation he had set up two hundred meters away from their current location.

"Get in!" Yun Lintian urged anxiously. Yun Jiajia hastily brought Yun Chan and Yun Ting, along with the other sisters, into the transmission formation.

Yun Li noticed the change in his expression, but before she could ask, Yun Lintian had already pushed her into the formation, and she immediately disappeared from the place.

Yun Lintian dismantled the formation within ten seconds before he rushed out of the cave, heading in the opposite direction of the incoming enemy. If he left the formation behind, the enemy could directly reach the Misty Cloud Sect. He scolded himself for being careless. If he had set up a self-destruct mechanism within the transmission formation beforehand, he wouldn't have to be so desperate now.

"Where are you going!?" A male voice rang out behind Yun Lintian, but he didn't turn to look as he channeled every ounce of his profound energy into his legs, fleeing with all his might.

Following Yun Lintian were two middle-aged men from the Qi Royal Clan. Before this, Qi Yuanfeng had instructed several people to look out for Yun Lintian's trace within a radius of five hundred kilometers, and they never thought they would actually find him.

The strength of the two individuals was at the tenth level of the Earth Profound Realm. Chasing a mere eighth level of Essence Profound Realm's ant like Yun Lintian was not a problem. Within ten seconds, the distance between them and Yun Lintian had been reduced by over eighty percent.

"Stop!" One of the two men shouted and shot a wind blade at Yun Lintian.

Yun Lintian felt danger from behind and instinctively rolled on the ground, avoided the wind blade timely. Following that, he shattered a wind talisman to increase his speed as he passed through the dense forest.

The two chasers were furious. How could an ant be faster than them? They rapidly increased their speed using a profound wind technique, while cutting down all the trees in their path.

Yun Lintian rushed out of the forest, and his expression instantly turned ugly when he saw that there was only a cliff in front of him.

"Shit! Why do I have to encounter such a cliché situation at this time?" He cursed angrily and took a look below.

From his estimation, the cliff was at least two kilometers high. Even though there was a vast river below, all of his bones would definitely shatter if he jumped down.

Yun Lintian turned to look at the two pursuers and saw that they were already rushing out of the forest. He took a deep breath, his fingers brushing against the silver necklace around his neck. He said a prayer, then clenched his teeth and leaped off the cliff.

"Damn it!" The two chasers were shocked when they saw this. They hurried to the edge of the cliff and saw Yun Lintian's body falling rapidly.

"Do we need to follow?" They looked at each other and didn't know whether they should follow or not.

One of them gritted his teeth and said, "If we don't retrieve his body, I don't think Your Highness will spare us." Another man nodded in agreement and decided to climb down.

Puff! Puff!

However, as they were about to descend, two beams of golden light suddenly shot down from the sky, instantly obliterating them.

Yun Lintian could feel a strong wind blowing against his head, causing his eyes to involuntarily close. Although he was approaching death, his heart remained remarkably calm, devoid of any fear. At this moment, a bunch of memories kept appearing in his mind. From the time he was on Earth to the time he entered this world. Everything was vivid as if it happened yesterday.

"Hah… There won't be a second transmigration, right?" He muttered to himself jokingly. At the same time, he also scolded himself for cracking a joke at this life and death moment.

Yun Lintian forcefully opened his eyes to look down at the river and saw there wasn't much distance left before he hit the river. He quickly unleashed his profound energy, enveloping himself in the hope of surviving this ordeal.


A moment later, his body had fully hit the river surface, causing his bones to break instantly. Yun Lintian didn't feel much pain as his consciousness had already drifted into darkness due to the impact.


While Yun Lintian's body sank into the river, the silver necklace on his neck suddenly vibrated, drilling into his chest and completely vanished in the next second. A moment later, a majestic silver gate appeared behind Yun Lintian, drawing him into it, and disappeared from the spot.

"Finally, it's awakened." Far away in the sky, a faint female voice resonated. There was a hint of excitement and relief in it.