Sky Throne Profound Academy

A strange light flashed across Han Bingling's eyes. She didn't understand what Yun Lintian tried to convey, but she knew he didn't insult her Frozen Moon Palace out of nothing. There should be a reason for this. 

Nevertheless, Han Bingling didn't get angry as she calmly replied. "You can understand as we are on a good term. The current Divine Thunder Palace Master is a good friend of mine. So, I have no problem letting them come to this place. After all, Thunder Valley has no benefit to my palace. On the contrary, I gained some benefits from the Divine Thunder Palace."

It seems she didn't know about the Misty Cloud Palace? Yun Lintian thought. The reason he ridiculed the Frozen Moon Palace was that he wanted to see her reaction. From Yan Qi's information, the Frozen Moon Palace was only a small sect under the Misty Cloud Palace in the past.