A Clue (1)

Yun Lintian checked on Chu Mi's condition and found she was faint with no other injuries. He then looked at Han Bingling and said. "I thought you've left already."

Han Bingling smile charmingly. "How could I leave such a handsome boy like you easily? This sister wants to protect you, okay?"

Yun Lintian ignored her tease and went to the black-clothed man's side to check on him. He found the man's power had been sealed entirely. "I don't think we can get anything from him. From the look of it, he is just a mere lowly lackey."

Han Bingling was also agreed with his statement. However, at least she needed to try, right? She asked. "Are you going to do it?"

Yun Lintian didn't answer and used his finger to tap on the acupoints behind the black-clothed man's head. The black-clothed man immediately opened his eyes, looking at Yun Lintian in a daze for a second before reacting. However, he discovered he could not muster his strength in the slightest.