Unexpected Enter

"Good. Here, take this." Han Bingling flicked her hand, sending a small yellow crystal to Lin Xinyao.

When the crystal landed on Lin Xinyao, she was instantly electrocuted, but it didn't hurt her in the slightest. She carefully observed the yellow crystal and saw faint lightning flashed within it from time to time.

"This is Thunder Crystal. You have to hold this to enter Thunder Valley. Go prepare yourself. I will find someone to follow you." Han Bingling explained.

Lin Xinyao stored the Thunder Crystal away and went to the side room, preparing for the next journey.

Han Bingling watched her disciple entered the room and then contacted her trusted aides.


"Phew… That was close." Yun Lintian appeared several kilometers away, but it was still in the mountain range as he could see the lightning barrier at the end of his sight.