Heaven Crashing Roar

"Report City Lord, the abnormality started a while ago after several golden lightning bolts descended at the same time." The guard reported solemnly. This was the first time they encountered this kind of situation.

Fu Tiangang furrowed his brows and moved to the front of the entrance. He used his Spiritual Sense to check and found it was indeed about to open. 

He turned to Han Bingling and said. "Palace Master Han, the entrance should be opened in two hours. May I know your opinion on this matter?"

Han Bingling replied right away. "Go notify everyone to get ready." 

Earlier, she got news from Han Muyue saying Yun Lintian had mysteriously disappeared as soon as she detected his aura. For some reason, she had a hunch this abnormal occurrence might have something to do with him. Hence, she couldn't wait to send people in as soon as possible.

Fu Tiangang accepted the task readily and returned to the city.