The Change In The Land Of Beyond Heaven

"I've sent Muyue to pick you up. You should stay in a place for a while." Han Bingling said.

"Understood, Master." Lin Xinyao responded. She hesitated briefly and said. "Master, there's another thing I have to tell you."

"Go ahead." Han Bingling's mind was occupied by the Ming clan's information.

"Master, Sister Su was attacked by Lei Jun's guard." Lin Xinyao said.

Lin Xinyao's words immediately brought Han Bingling's attention back as she asked coldly. "Really?… Heh, I didn't expect he would dare to do this… How's Su Xiao now?"

"She's fine now, Master. However, she has lost all of her profound strength." Lin Xinyao spoke while trying to hide Yun Lintian's secret.

"That serious?… Alright, Master knows what to do. We will talk about it later." Han Bingling replied and put the transmission jade away. 

She then took the transmission orb out and contacted Lei Zhenxiang.