Rich Return

Yun Lintian was oblivious to the situation in the Land of Beyond Heaven. He was now happily feeding Linlin and pondered about his next move. 

He had around six months until the Sky Throne Profound Academy's recruitment date. With his newly gained strength, Yun Lintian was naturally qualified to apply for the assessment, but he still felt a bit lacking. Although Yun Lintian believed he could handle any opponent with the Dragon Fist alone, he still need to learn more profound arts. Especially a spear profound art to use with the White Dragon Spear.

With so many profound beast's remains in his possession, Yun Lintian did not have to wander around like before. He could now stay in the Land of Beyond Heaven and practice peacefully.

Thinking of this, Yun Lintian turned to Linlin and said. "Linlin, big brother will bring you to a place."