Divination Technique

From how the three men dressed, they should be from the same sect. Yun Lintian found it strange. Why did they regroup with each other so fast? Did he miss something?


The giant lizard went utterly berserk. It let out a furious roar while stomping its feet around, producing a powerful earth wave. 

The three men had already retreated to the distance, but they were still caught by the earth wave. The leader, who was called Brother Du, hurriedly conjured profound defense to help the other two. Although it could not entirely protect them, it could reduce the damage considerably.

While he was stabilizing himself on the ground, Brother Du let out an explosive roar as he vaulted into the air; the long sword in his hands released a ferocious wave of sword force, shooting straight at the lizard's head.

"Die for me! Whirlwind Sword Strike!"