Black-Robed Man

"Strange. I have traveled for five days, yet the distance didn't seem to reduce at all." On the top of the tall ancient tree, Yun Lintian cast his gaze over the black fog spot at the center of the forest. His brows furrowed together as he didn't understand what was going on.

During these five days, Yun Lintian moved straight toward the center. Except for some profound beasts and participants, he didn't encounter anything else, but soon, he noticed something was amiss. 

At first, he seemed to draw closer to the destination. However, he found the distance between him and the forest center remained the same in the next moment. 

His first thought was a formation, but he didn't find anything with Eyes of Heaven. This made him puzzled until now.

"Hmm?" Suddenly, Yun Lintian noticed a movement several kilometers away through his Spiritual Sense. "Qin Yiran? Heaven Profound Beast?"