Removing The Seal (1)

"Master, I have found a solution for your condition now. However, I cannot guarantee the result." In the bamboo hut, Yun Lintian faced Lin Zixuan with a serious expression. 

"Can you explain about it?" Standing behind Lin Zixuan, Jiang Yingyue asked. Meanwhile, Murong Xue, Nantian Fengyu, and Lin Xinyao were also looking at Yun Lintian, waiting for his explanation.

"The seal within Master's body is called Life Leeching Seal. It is one of the most powerful seals in the Monarch-rank. If it was planted in the target's body, it would slowly absorb the target's vitality to strengthen itself. When it reached a certain point, the target would die and become a lifeless puppet under the seal's control." Yun Lintian gave them a brief introduction to the Life Leeching Seal.

The expressions of everyone turned unsightly upon hearing this. They didn't expect this seal to be this vicious. It could actually make the target become a puppet.