Removing The Seal (2)

Through Eyes of Heaven, Yun Lintian spread his Spiritual Sense out to trace along with the seal's complicated roots one by one. It took him ten minutes before he could cover the entire seal's roots without leaving one behind.

In order to prevent any accident from occurring in the following process, Yun Lintian fed Lin Zixuan a high-level healing pill and pierced a few silver needles through the important gates beforehand. 

After confirming there was no mistake in the preparation, a small knife silently appeared in Yun Lintian's right hand. He swiftly stabbed it into Lin Zixuan's body, right above the seal area on her chest, and successfully created a palm-size hole on it. During this process, Lin Zixuan didn't even frown once. It was as if she didn't feel any pain.

Tossing the knife to the side, Yun Lintian didn't hesitate to wrap the seal's roots with his profound energy before slowly uprooting all of them at the same time.