The Pinnacle-Level Treasure

Seeing Yun Lintian's expression, Hongyue mocked. "Sure enough. You are just an ignorant brat. Do you think the universe's lightning element source is weak? How naïve you are."

Yun Lintian was taken aback and repeated in shock. "Universe's lightning element source?"

Before this, Yun Lintian had always thought The Sun and The Thunder were at most one of the top element sources, not the pinnacle level one, as Hongyue said.

However, he couldn't be blamed for this since there was no information related to it in the Library, and Lynn's database had somehow been deleted.

Yun Lintian's heart grew heavy. This was the first time he felt this way since he received the Beyond Heaven King's inheritance. Although he was aware there was a huge conspiracy behind this arrangement, he believed he could handle it. But now… Universe-level? Wouldn't he become a target of everyone in the universe later?