Cloud Shadow (1)

China, Hangzhou City, 2018

At the end of spring and summer's arrival.

This season, the temperature difference between Hangzhou City's day and the night was huge. During the day, even if one was wearing shorts, he could heat up like a hot dog; yet during the night, he had to curl up on his bed, freezing like a cold bird.

Five o'clock in the evening was exactly when people came to buy ingredients for their dinners. At this moment, the market street was bustling with people. Hawkers continued to shout while customers tried to bargain for a few yuan discount. 

At the end of the street, a small group of people gathered in a circle, looking at an old man in his seventies lying on the ground with his hand clutched on his chest. Although they felt the old man was genuinely in pain, no one dared to help him recklessly. After all, there were countless cases where people were deceived by a swindler.