Cloud Shadow (2)

In the ambulance, Cai Yaoyao couldn't hold her curiosity further and asked cautiously. "Sister Ye, who is he? Why do I feel he is familiar?"

Ye Ling stared at the monitor beside her and remained silent. A look of recollection appeared on her face as if she was thinking of something in the past.

A while later, she turned to look at Cai Yaoyao and said. "His name is Yun Lintian."

Cai Yaoyao slowly nodded her head while repeating Yun Lintian's name in her mind. Suddenly, her complexion abruptly changed, and her mouth was agape. "Y…Yun Lintian? That genius surgeon Yun Lintian!?"

Ye Ling smiled faintly. "It's him."

Cai Yaoyao's mouth parted and closed many times, trying to say something, but no word came out in the end. Her mind was in a mess as she recalled the legend of Yun Lintian.

Yun Lintian graduated from the top medical university and started his journey as a surgeon at 21 years old, which was extremely young compared to an ordinary doctor.