Cloud Shadow (3)

The young man, Lei Hao, lifted his head and revealed a bright smile upon seeing Yun Lintian. "Aren't we short of money, Boss? I can't be lazy, can't I?"

Yun Lintian shook his head with a chuckle and went to a stainless steel sink beside the stall, washing his hand with a cheap soap.

"Speaking of this." Lei Hao paused his movement and said. "Why don't we ask Sister Lynn to transfer some money for us, Boss? At best, you can just sacrifice your body a bit."

Yun Lintian's face darkened. He gave a fierce glare at Lei Hao and scolded. "Don't talk about that girl here if you want to live a good life."

Lei Hao pursed his lips. His facial expression clearly told, 'Come on, don't be a hypocrite.'

"What's with that look? I told you before, I have nothing to do with Lynn." Yun Lintian's face sank.

Lei Hao nodded his head in 'an understanding manner.' "Yes, yes. You two are pure… Even though you two have slept in the same room, same bed, for many years."