Flame Of Vengeance (6)

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Amidst intense gunfires, Lei Hao was leaning against the wall while peeking at the corridor path behind him and made a few shots from time to time. 

Before this, he and Tu Feng were headed toward the central lab, but they didn't expect an unidentified force to jump out of nowhere and greet them with bullets. These people were far stronger and more disciplined than the Hell Church's men. It could be seen they weren't simply an ordinary mercenary group.

"Who the hell are these people?" Lei Hao cursed angrily while reloading.

Tu Feng, who was leaning against the wall opposite Lei Hao, quickly made a shot and drew himself back before saying. "They are certainly soldiers. Should be a country's special force."

"Special force? Why are they helping the Hell Church?" Lei Hao frowned slightly. He quickly contacted Yun Lintian but found out the connection had been interrupted.