Flame Of Vengeance (7)

Yun Lintian slowly nodded his head. "You're right. It's always disturbing me for all this time on how did Ah'Kai fell." A killing intent flashed across Yun Lintian's eyes as he muttered. "Zhu Ding…"

Yun Lintian took a deep breath, trying to suppress the flame of fury in his heart, and beckoned everyone. "Let's move."

Everyone glanced at each other and headed toward the central lab after taking some weapons from the deceased enemies.


In the central lab, Donkey was controlled by a few men. He looked at these people in front of him nervously. Judging from their conversations, these people should be China's special force. No doubt about it, their target was the Hell Church.

Donkey looked at a tall man, who seemed to be a leader, and said. "This gentleman, I already give you everything. Can you let me go?"

The tall man, Liu Jian, glanced at Donkey and said coldly. "Shut up!"