The Usage Of The Earth Core

"You're lucky enough. I'm starting to wonder. Have people in this world become stupid during my absence?" In the Land of Beyond Heaven, Hongyue said to Yun Lintian with a serious expression.

"What do you mean? It's because my plan is perfect, alright?" Yun Lintian retorted.

Hongyue rolled her eyes and pursed her lips, unbothered to say anything further. 

Yun Lintian wasn't boring enough to continue on this topic as well. He placed the Earth Core on the table and asked. "Can you tell me now? What's the use of this thing?"

Yun Ruanyu and others observed the Earth Core attentively, but they didn't find anything in particular. They were also wondering why would Hongyue tell Yun Lintian to get it at all costs.

Hongyue opened her palm, and the Earth Core immediately flew into her hand. She raised it to her face and looked at it for a few breaths before muttering. "It's indeed that thing."