Learning New Art

Yun Lintian took a deep breath to calm himself down and turned to Yun Lingwei. "Lingwei, I will leave this matter to you. I want you to create the most powerful skyship that belongs to us."

Yun Lingwei was still in a state of excitement. She hurriedly nodded and said. "Leave it to me!" Following that, she quickly rushed back to the villa and went straight to the Library.

Yun Lintian turned to Yun Ruanyu and Yun Meilan. "Ruanyu, Meilan. I will arrive on the Western Continent in a few months. I hope our people will be ready at that time… Make sure they can survive in every circumstance."

"Don't worry." Yun Ruanyu and Yun Meilan nodded firmly.

Yun Lintian glanced at Yun Huanxin and said. "Huanxin. Please help me produce more of the returning stones and escape talismans during this period."

"Understood." Yun Huanxin accepted the task readily.

"Qingrou, I'll leave the supply for you." Yun Lintian said.