Taking The Pond Away

"Because of you? Heh, don't make me laugh, Ji Zhiyin." Zhou Qingyu laughed coldly. "It was Elder Mu who sacrificed himself. As for you, you are at most feeding us healing pills. What else did you do?"

"Him? Sacrifice? Hahaha!! It is his honor to use his wasteful life to bring all of you out. Why did you all make him like he is a saint or something?" Ji Zhiyin laughed disdainfully. "As for me? I have stayed in the Black Wing group for decades. Everyone here knows how much I sacrifice for this group. Do you think you can compare me with that bastard who joined the group a few days ago? How ridiculous!!"

Qin Wuji glared at her and said. "You should shut your mouth… Everyone here knows about your feelings for Leader Lei, and no one denies your hard work throughout the years. But… do you know what you have done now? You have betrayed Leader's trust! Do you understand that!?"

Ji Zhiyin's body visibly trembled as she seemed to regain her sense.