
"It works?" Looking at the empty area in front of him, Yun Lintian was surprised. "Can I pull people in with this method?"

"You can simply use your Spiritual Sense to wrap around them. However, they need to be no more than a hundred meters from your location." Hongyue explained.

"Why don't you tell me earlier?" Yun Lintian clicked his tongue in dissatisfaction. With this, what else does he need to be afraid of in the future? He could pull his friends and family into the Land of Beyond Heaven at will if their life was in danger.

"Why don't you study it yourself? You have integrated with the gate for a year now, yet you didn't learn anything about it." Hongyue said in contempt.

Yun Lintian rolled his eyes annoyingly and changed the topic. "What about the people on the outside? How long it takes before they could break in?"

"Around five minutes," Hongyue replied. "They are using the formation you set up to break the wall."