Momentarily Tranquil

Cloud Village's atmosphere was harmonious and full of joy. Everyone would greet each other whenever they met, and children were running around with carefree smiles on their faces. 

It was a pure land Yun Lintian had never seen before after coming to this world.

"Where are you going, Little Lintian?" An aunty in her forties greeted Yun Lintian with a smile while carrying a basket of vegetables on the way home.

"I'm going to visit Uncle Sun, Aunty Si." Yun Lintian smiled and glanced at the plump cabbages in the basket. "They look delicious."

"Do you want some? You should eat more. Your wounds can heal faster." Aunty Si said while pushing the basket forward.

"Thank you, Aunty. We have them at home. We will go first. See you later." Yun Lintian politely declined and walked toward Uncle Sun's house at the end of the street under Aunty Si's kind gaze.