Doctor Yun

At this moment, three men rushed to the backyard while carrying an injured man whose leg was pierced by a sharp piece of wood to the opposite side.

Everyone carried a hunting knife. Obviously, they were a hunting squad.

Cloud Village had three hunting squads managed by Uncle Hei, Yun Hei. Every day, they would venture to a mountain behind the village to hunt some pheasants for everyone.

Yun Sun put the matter of the healing pill aside and pointed at a wooden bed nearby. "Put him there."

The man who shouted earlier quickly explained. "We have encountered a wolf pack, and he accidentally fell into a crater. Thankfully, Uncle Hei was nearby. Otherwise, we wouldn't be able to help him."

Yun Sun nodded and examined the wound on the injured man's calf carefully. A moment later, he said. "The wood has unfortunately destroyed his nerves and muscles. It is difficult to make him recover fully after a treatment."