Eastern Continent

Along the way toward the Eastern Continent, Yun Lintian met a few of the 'ghost ships' similar to the one he encountered in the Southern Endless Sea region. From the look of it, they undoubtedly originated from the same mastermind.

Yun Lintian investigated it for a long time, but he couldn't trace it back to the mastermind, even with the help of Hongyue. Unless the person showed up, he would never be able to find them.

In the end, Yun Lintian had no choice but to give up and went straight to the Eastern Continent.

The Eastern Continent was much warmer compared to the Central Continent. It was mainly because there were several volcanoes throughout the entire continent, some of which were still active.

Smoke and ashes could be seen from time to time as Yun Lintian's skyship passed. Nevertheless, the life of ordinary mortals here was surprisingly better than any place he had ever seen.