Boundless Desert (1)

Lei Zhenxiang frowned slightly. "Who are you?"

The whale laughed and said. "You have forgotten about me so quickly."

As the whale spoke, its huge body gradually shrank, and a beautiful woman clad in a deep blue robe appeared in everyone's sight.

Her hair and eyes were deep blue, similar to the whale's skin earlier. 

She curled her lips and said. "Remember me now?"

Lei Zhenxiang was surprised and blurted out. "Ren Mingzhu?"

"At least your head is still working." The woman, Ren Mingzhu, laughed gently. She glanced at Lei Feifei and said. "This must be your younger sister, Lei Feifei?"

Lei Feifei was surprised that Ren Mingzhu actually knew her. She turned to her brother and looked at him in doubt.

Lei Zhenxiang smiled wryly and said. "Don't look at me with that gaze. I had met her twice in the past."

He turned to Ren Mingzhu and asked. "Why are you here?"