A Beast In The Darkness (1)

"This place…" Yun Lintian and Nantian Fengyu continued their journey for another week and finally arrived in a completely dark space.

Yun Lintian turned and stared at the passage behind him before looking at the world in front of him. The place he was standing seemed to have an invisible boundary, clearly separating two areas.

If the previous passage was considered dark, the space before him could be described as a bottomless abyss that no light could reach it.

Nantian Fengyu raised her hand and sent a few fireballs into the dark space before her. To everyone's surprise, the fireballs failed to illuminate the space and completely vanished into the darkness as if they were being swallowed by an abyss.

The coldness gradually leaked out from the darkness and spread to the place where Yun Lintian and Nantian Fengyu stood, causing them to quiver slightly.