A Beast In The Darkness (2)


A deafening roar echoed once again as the huge black silhouette rushed toward Yun Lintian. It was as if a mountain was hurtling down at him from above. The next moment, the gigantic claw came into everyone's sight once again.

This time, Yun Lintian could finally see the true appearance of this Hell Hound.

It was at least one hundred meters tall, and its head was extremely wide, looking like a cross between a wolf and a bear. Its four limbs were thick and stout, and its head and body bristled with bloody fangs.

The sharp tips of those fangs shone with a hellish light that would send fear coursing through anyone's soul. 

A huge, long jet-black tail was arched overhead, and the end of the tail gleamed with a devilish light.