Winner Or Loser (1)


Space was torn apart like cotton, and even the dense dark energy was ruthlessly chiseled away by the colorful sword beam from the Heaven Piercing Sword and the White Tiger Spear.

The beam crossed through space and went straight to Xing Chen, who released all his power to welcome it.

Xing Chen stretched out his hand, and a mass of black light smashed into the incoming beam.


Amidst the sudden explosions of wailing noises, the beam and the dark energy intertwined fiercely without backing off. 

Soon, the colorful beam was forcibly broken apart, scattering away before it was quickly engulfed by the darkness.

"Pfft!" Yun Lintian sprayed a mouthful of fresh blood as the multi-colored light around him dimmed a little.

"That's all you got?" Xing Chen stretched out his hand which was tainted with a black glow. "If that's the case, then die!"