Winner Or Loser (2)

"Big Brother Yun!" Linlin and Qingqing hurriedly came over.

When they saw Yun Lintian lying in the pool of blood, they couldn't help sobbing.

"Sister Lauya, please help him." Linlin cried loudly.

At this moment, Lauya had arrived beside Yun Lintian and injected her last bit of power into his body. However, the wounds in his chest and shoulder were not light. There was no sign of recovering at all.

"Cough!" Yun Lintian coughed up blood and struggled to open his eyes. The sharp pain in his chest reminded him that he was still alive.

His eye darted toward Xing Chen in the distance and saw his arms move slightly. Obviously, Xing Chen wasn't dead yet. 

Qingqing seemed to notice this. She got up and prepared to finish Xing Chen off. However, she was stopped by Yun Lintian first.

"D-Don't kill him… Just cripple him." Yun Lintian struggled to speak. He still needed to ask Xing Chen about the reason behind the invasion.