Winner Or Loser (3)

Yun Lintian let out a long breath and walked toward Xing Chen step by step. His grip on the sword didn't loosen in the slightest, even though Xing Chen couldn't move anymore.

"Puff!" As Yun Lintian drew closer, Xing Chen suddenly coughed up a mouthful of blood, and his body convulsed slightly as he struggled to get up.

"You lose." Yun Lintian stopped a step away from Xing Chen and pointed the Heaven Piercing Sword at the latter's heart. 

Xing Chen's bloody eyes stared at Yun Lintian briefly, and he gave up struggling, lying on the ground powerlessly. 

"You don't forget our bet, right?" Yun Lintian said in a deep voice.

A ridiculous smile emerged on Xing Chen's face as he said. "That's right… In your eyes, I am nothing but a deceitful man… Cough!"

While coughing another mouthful of blood, he raised his hand slightly, and a white palm-sized crystal appeared on it. "Take it…"