Frightening Power

Boom! Boom! Boom! 

Yun Lintian crashed into several trees and finally stopped at a giant boulder in the far distance. The numbness in his chest made his entire body heavy, and his movement became sluggish.

Yun Lintian subconsciously tried to look up, but suddenly, soul-cowing cold energy assaulted the back of his neck. He instinctively activated the Shadow Step to evade what was coming and saw Tian Yuhan's figure from the corner of his eye.

Cold sweat appeared on Yun Lintian's forehead. If he was a split second late, his neck would be shattered instantly if Tian Yuhan spat out even a bit of energy from her palm.

Apprehension sizzled in Yun Lintian's heart, but cold energy even more terrible than the one before suddenly stabbed in his direction from his right and topside before he could react. When he finally did, an icy cold sensation was already prickling against his back.
