
It was as if the whole world had crumbled. The entire mountain shook violently and spread to the surrounding mountains. Everyone hurriedly came out of their residence and looked toward the tallest peak that was full of dust clouds in shock. They had no idea what had just happened.

Tian Hualing, who had just left, turned around to look at the top of the mountain in astonishment. She knew that Tian Yuhan was testing Yun Lintian earlier but didn't expect it to reach this extent. 

Moreover, Yun Lintian's attack this time was beyond her imagination. While she was aware that Yun Lintian was a sword practitioner, the sword intent and power he displayed had surpassed any sword practitioners she knew.

One had to know that Yun Lintian was only at the second level of the Divine Spirit Realm right now. What if he reached the Divine Sovereign later? Wouldn't he kill her with a wave of his hand?