Heart As Vast As Ocean

Ling Zemin's entire body turned cold instantly at Wan Mu's words because his true purpose for coming here was exactly what the Beyond Heaven King left behind in the tower.

According to his father, the Beyond Heaven King left one of his relics and a powerful artifact for his successor. Although Ling Zemin couldn't utilize the relic, it didn't mean he couldn't possess it for himself. Without the relic, the successor of the Beyond Heaven King would essentially be incapacitated. That was what he and his father aimed for.

"Senior has misunderstood us. We came here to search for a way to enhance our strength." Ling Zemin explained. "My father told me that the Reincarnation Tower could significantly increase our strength. As for what the Beyond Heaven King left behind, I believe Senior understands very well that we have no chance of obtaining it, even if we want to."