Nefarious Demon (1)

Shui Fang had also noticed Yan Yin's group, and he was surprised to see Yun Lintian among them.

At the same time, Yun Lintian also looked at Shui Fang with surprise. Why would he be here alone?

Yan Yin halted his tracks a few kilometers away from Wan Mu and asked. "Are you trying to deceive that little guy?"

Wan Mu didn't reply immediately. His gaze wandered around Jiang Shuren, Kong Xun, and Yu Zhilan. "Eternal River God, Shrouding Sky God, and Rain God. All of you are part of the new generation in the Eastern Divine Region. Why did you collude with this devil?"

"Heh. Old man. Can you stop being a hypocrite?" Yan Yin sneered. "All of you love to portray yourselves as good guys, but some among you are worse than the devils I know. Seriously, is it just because I originated from the Great Devil Realm that makes all of you judge me as a bad guy?"

Wan Mu had no intention of arguing with Yan Yin. He continued to stare at Jiang Shuren and the others.