Homecoming (2)

Looking at the familiar scenery and inhaling the familiar air, Yun Lintian was overwhelmed with emotion. Perhaps this was what it was called: "There was no other place like home." Although the scenery in the Divine Realm was much more beautiful and the environment was several times better, Yun Lintian preferred this place.

Yun Lintian wasn't in a hurry to return to the Moon Garden. He chose to visit the Azure Cloud Divine City first.

He soon arrived quietly inside a city and disguised himself as an ordinary-looking practitioner.

The atmosphere of the city hadn't changed much over the years. Yun Lintian could see many ordinary people without profound strength on the streets, and they appeared to have a positive mentality, suggesting that their lives were going well.

Yun Lintian nodded inwardly upon witnessing this scene. He was afraid that the rules he had set would be ignored once he left, but it seemed he was overthinking it.