
"Your leg is fine now." Yun Lintian retracted his hand and spoke gently.

Jia Shiyu regained her senses and instinctively began to walk around.

Everyone was immediately stunned to see Jia Shiyu walking briskly as if she had never been injured.

"This..." Cai Fen didn't know what to say at the moment. Yun Lintian was clearly a formidable practitioner. She was afraid that he would hold her accountable later.

"Thank you, Sir. I will definitely repay this kindness." Jia Shiyu bowed deeply.

"It's nothing." Yun Lintian said with a smile. "Let's go."

"Mhm!" Jia Shiyu nodded firmly. Her eyes were filled with hope. With Yun Lintian here, her mother must have recovered.

Under Jia Shiyu's guidance, they arrived at a ten-story apartment building and went straight to the second floor.

"Mom. I'm back." Jia Shiyu opened the door and happily ran to the living room.