Grilled Fish

Standing on the boat, Yun Lintian looked attentively at the dark water below, attempting to use his Spiritual Sense to investigate it. However, no matter how hard he tried, there seemed to be a barrier preventing him from doing it.

"Don't waste your time. It's blocked by some ancient laws. I can't recognize it either." Master Bai spoke.

"Ancient laws?" Yun Lintian frowned slightly. "It looks like the Law of Death to me."

"Oh? Did you see it somewhere before?" Master Bai asked with great interest.

"Inside the Sea of Stars, there was a place called the Star Graveyard. Anyone who died in that place would be revived and live there forever." Yun Lintian explained.

Master Bai was surprised. "There are a few places with the Law of Death, but most of them are incomplete. The Star Graveyard you talked about seems to be complete."

"It was only a small fraction of the actual law." Yun Lintian said. "Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to eliminate it."