Deep Sea Python

Li Gen's expression changed dramatically when he saw the massive figure. "Deep Sea Python... How could it appear here?"

The black figure appeared as a gigantic snake with menacing black scales covering its body and a long horn protruding from its head. It exuded a terrifying aura, causing Li Gen and his wife to feel suffocated.

"Finally, something good to eat." Master Bai stared greedily at the python.

Yun Lintian was surprised when he noticed that the black python had reached the second level of the Divine Emperor Realm.

He glanced at Li Gen and asked. "Have you seen it before?"

"No, but I have heard of it. Usually, the Deep Sea Python would stay at the deepest part of the ocean and rarely appear." Li Gen shook his head. "The rumor says that it is protecting the greatest treasure in the ocean."

"The greatest treasure?" Yun Lintian raised his eyebrows slightly. Could it be the Black Turtle God's blood origin?
