
"Bandits?" Yun Lintian responded with a strange expression.

"Yes. Many people have been coming here in the last few days. They don't appear to be locals here. They should come here to find treasures and take advantage of the opportunity to rob people." The middle-aged man said.

He paused briefly to look at Yun Lintian and everyone before continuing. "You have two children and a cute pet with you. Clearly, you cannot be a bandit. I don't want you to encounter a disaster."

Yun Lintian glanced at Hongyue and saw the latter pout. Without a doubt, the other child besides Qingqing was Hongyue. If the uncle knew she was a genuine God Emperor, he would probably be scared witless.

"Thank you for sharing this with us." Yun Lintian replied politely.

"Although the city has just experienced the war, the security here is still good. You will be fine as long as you stay inside the city." The middle-aged man smiled and walked away.